
The Life Giving Way

The Life Giving Way

To walk in this ‘fresh new life giving way’ there needs to be a radical shift in our thinking. We need to stop trusting in our own righteousness and self-effort and put our complete trust in that which Christ has achieved for us already on the cross. Its only then that we can receive His gift of righteousness and truly enter His Rest.

The One Thing Missing

The One Thing Missing

The bible says that it’s the little foxes that spoil the vine. In our walk with God this principle applies big time. That one thing can ruin everything. You can have all the world’s goods and miss out on the most important thing. It may seem little and of no consequence in the eyes of the world but without Jesus your whole life is pointless. He is the missing ingredient.

The Entrance of your Word 2

The Entrance of your Word 2

PART TWO I have found over the years that we are confronted by constant situations where we have to make a choice between ‘fact’ and ’truth,’ and need to decide which of these is more true? The carnal mind always gravitates toward fact. ”Well this is what I see and how I feel.” The Spirit always gravitates towards biblical truth. “But this is what the bible says.” The fact was that my mind was shot and I had the evidence to prove it, but the truth of the word said. “I have the mind of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 2:16 “The memory of the righteous is blessed.” Proverbs 10:7

You already have it

You already have it

When God visited Moses at the burning bush, He asked Moses to deliver the Children of Israel from their bondage in Egypt, but Moses replied that he didn’t have what it takes. He implied that he didn’t have it in him.

God then went on to say to Moses, “what is that in your hand?” Moses was holding a staff and God said that with this staff he would be able to do miracles and deliver Israel from their slavery. Moses continued to argue with God that he wouldn’t be able to do it, not realising that he already had the power, and it was close at hand. It was in his hands, so to speak. Funny but this sounds very familiar in relation to us Christians today. Moses told God to send someone else which is often how we think too. “Send the Pastor Lord, as he is equipped and I’m not.”

The Unsearchable Riches of Christ

The Unsearchable Riches of Christ

Jesus can be in our lives as our Savior yet not Number 1. This was the case for me. I had found the treasure but was not prepared to sell everything to appreciate Him. Like having a cake and eating it too. Jesus wants to be Lord of all otherwise He is not Lord at all. God’s Spirit will constantly work towards achieving this goal in our lives and we will never be happy until we surrender. He is a Jealous God. After all He has done for us the least we can do is give Him first place in our lives. “God’s kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field for years and then accidentally found by a trespasser. The finder is ecstatic – what a find! – and proceeds to sell everything he owns to raise money to buy the field.” Matthew 13:44 It’s when we seek Him with all our hearts that we really find Him. When He is greater than all our other affections. If Jesus is all who He says He is, we should be really excited about Him. The trouble is we love the world too much. “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” Jeremiah:29:13 Where your treasure is there will your heart be also. He wants our hearts.