The Path of the Just

Proverbs 4:18 “But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day. “

 If faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17) then fear comes by hearing the negative things of this world. Proverbs 4:18 says that our future (as the justified by faith,) is bright, especially as we get closer to the end. There are many scriptures that show that its Gods plan to reveal a glorious Church to the world in the end.

 There has been so much bible teaching based on fear. Many preach that the Church will barely make it to the end, only hanging in there by the skin of its teeth.

 Some have taught in one breath that there will be a great revival, and in the next, doom and gloom. Can you be absolutely sure that you are getting it right? Many western preachers have made a lot of money out of scary end time teaching, that has not come to pass.

 Look at what many said about Saddam Hussein being the Antichrist during the Desert War. Consider all the fear generated about Y2K. So many Christians were false Prophets back then with none of their predictions coming true. What about the Mayan Calendar predictions in 2012? We need to be careful what we are saying now about the Covid Pandemic. 

In Matthew 13:24-30, God says that the Church is like a seed that will grow, mature and bring forth a harvest in the end. He says that the tares/weeds will also grow alongside the wheat and get worse. We often major on the negative part of this parable and not the positive. I know that some Churches are on the decline, but the big picture is that things are actually better in the worldwide Church than ever before. There are more Christians now in China than the whole population of New Zealand. Christ is building His Church and the forces of Hell shall not prevail.

 Don’t be discouraged by what you may perceive in the Church, for Christ will bring to pass His promise and the Glory of the Latter House will be greater than the former- Haggai 2:9.

 God loves to move on impossible barren situations and turn things around. Why can’t He do an amazing work in this day? Look at how He changed the very dry bones into a great army in Ezekiel 37? He gave us the example of 4 barren women in the bible who birthed miracle babies. First there was Sarah who brought forth Isaac. Then He moved upon Manoah’s wife who gave birth to Samson. He later moved upon Hannah and she gave birth to Samuel who was a mighty Prophet. What about the miracle birth of John the Baptist who prepared the way for Jesus?

 The world has been waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God for 2000 years now. God can move upon His Church at any time and bring forth what He promised. He can birth His Isaac and draw many people into the Kingdom. A Samson to show forth the power of God and a mighty ‘prophetic’ people like Samuel who didn’t get God’s word wrong. He can bring forth another John the Baptist Church to prepare the way for the Lord’s Second Coming.

 Be careful to keep your eyes on Jesus in these troubled times. Feed on the right stuff so that you might become participators in a Great Revival and not just spectators.