Shine like the Sun

A Pastor and his wife that I knew well in Zimbabwe were visited back by a troubled lady one night who had driven up their driveway. They didn’t know her and she appeared really troubled. They took her inside where she began manifesting demons in their presence. She got quite violent, screaming and injuring herself, and they had trouble keeping this small woman under control. She threw the Pastor across the room and when they presented her with the bible she ripped the pages out. They tried rebuking the demons but nothing happened so they held her down on the floor and prayed. A few minutes later the woman cried out and said. “He’s here, He’s just come into the room. He’s beautiful and glorious.” The couple couldn’t see anything but were aware of God’s awesome presence entering the room, it seemed as if the cutlery in the china cabinet was vibrating. The hairs on the back of their neck stood up. She said that Jesus told her that He was going to take the demons out of her. Sure enough after a lot of screaming 7 demons came out of her. The Pastor and his wife watched in awe at the mighty power of God. His glory was so intense that no demon could stand in His presence. The woman was left healed and in her right mind. She later told them that she was wanting to commit suicide and had been driving around town looking for a tree to crash into. * I amended this after finding the original testimony.

I believe a day is coming where we will see things like this on a regular basis. In the book of Acts we see Peters shadow healing the sick and everyone being healed and demons fleeing and its God plan to do it again as we see in John 14:12.

When I was a child I used to take dad’s shaving mirror and sit on the back step where I would concentrate the light from the sun on insects and ants, vaporizing them. What fun. You had to be focused and do it for awhile before the fire broke out. I can see something like this in the word.

2 Corinthians 3:18 says that we too are like mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. In our new bodies, the veil has been taken away and the glory of the Lord can be reflected off us if we are facing the right way. We behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ and are being changed from one level of glory to another as we gaze upon Him. The glorified Christ.

Just like the couple in that room we may not see what is really going on in the spirit realm but we are shining with God’s glory even now. Christ is glorious and He is here. He is not the same as the Jesus who walked the shores of Galilee anymore. In a ‘line up’ He wouldn’t look much different to anyone else. Judas had to go and kiss Him so that the Romans would know who to arrest in the crowd. But now He is different, He is glorified. He shines like the Sun. Some translations say that His face is like lightning. When Jesus was transfigured on the Mount it says that His clothing shone like lightning. Lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun. Its 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Its also brighter than the sun, but we only see it for milliseconds. Lightning can also affect the atmosphere around it and explodes trees and kills people.

Once when my wife and I were in Zimbabwe, her folks were treating cows in the yard of the cowshed about 20 yards away from the house. We were sitting in the lounge when a bolt of lightning struck the cowshed. About 5 cows dropped dead and another group were temporarily stunned next to her parents. Fortunately her folks had gum boots on. In the lounge we heard the loud bang, saw the flash and the air turned blue. You could also smell the ozone in the air. This was frightening and awesome but our glorified Jesus is greater than that. He doesn’t want to kill people but destroy the works of the evil one.

Psalm 21:9 “You radiate with such brilliance that they cringe as before a furnace. Now the furnace swallows them whole, the fire eats them alive!”

Jesus as a God Man has received the glory He had with the Father before the world began. God wants us to spend time focusing on Christ His Glorious Son. His face shines like the sun, His eyes are as fire. There is lightning flashing from Him and from His throne. The hills melt like wax at His presence. The earth surges like the sea at His voice. He shakes the heavens and the earth.

If you could see into the Spirit realm, you would see that you too are like Him. You shine like the Sun. Matthew 13:43. You are like mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of God. 1 John 4:17 says that as He is NOW so are we in this life. The enemy flees from His presence as the demon did when Jesus walked into the room. We are shining now with His glory if we will believe. Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe.

Jesus is awesome. In the days of Hezekiah and Angel came down from heaven and struck dead 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. That’s as many as died when the Atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Jesus is greater than any Angel, for He is the Captain of the Angel armies. Nuclear fusion can produce 100 million degrees Celsius, that’s 4 to 5 times hotter than the centre of the sun.

As we focus our attention on the Lord, we become like mirrors that brightly reflect His glory and cause demons to cringe and flee. We must remember it’s not our glory but His glory. It’s important to be focused so as to give Him our full attention for it can effect our brightness. Just as a dirty mirror and a lack of focus affects the reflection of the sun from a mirror so does our single eye affect the amount of light that’s radiated from and in us.

The Devil is working hard to disengage us from knowing our potential in Christ, causing us to focus on the distractions of the natural realm instead of upon the heavenly realm. Our light and our affections can be diffused so that we have so little power as a Church. He is working overtime to get us to fill our minds with worldly things rather than heavenly realities. We can get upset with people rather than the spiritual forces that are really influencing us and them. He also gets us to focus constantly on our dying carnal bodies rather than on our spirit man, where the power comes from. Days can go by where we are taken up with much serving like Martha instead than sitting at the feet of Jesus like Mary beholding His glory. Martha was working for Jesus but Mary chose the better part by sitting at His feet gazing upon His face and listening to His words.

I believe its God plan to bring about the Day of Gods Power. A Day where the Sun shines 7 times brighter. A day where His presence is 7 times brighter. A day when the Sun of Righteousness arises with healing in His rays. A day that burns like an oven where our enemies become like ashes beneath our feet. A day where His people finally get it and know who they are in Christ.

We are incredibly privileged to be under this new covenant but we don’t appreciate it as we should. We now inherit all Christ is and all that He has. We inherit God and His glory. Paul exhorts us in Colossians 3:1-4 to set our affections on the heavenly realm and not to be distracted but this world. Feast on the treasures that are above for where our treasure is there will our hearts be also.

We are amazed at how Isaiah saw the Lord High and lifted up from a distance. It changed His life. Did you know that you are more privileged than He was, for you have been raised up with Christ and are one with Him in heavenly places now. We are not far away for He that is joined to Christ is one Spirit. We are the righteous of God in Christ, accepted by God, seated with Him in His throne. This revelation will change you to be more and more like Him.

This revelation comes as you truly focus on the Lord with all your hearts. We can be all over the place at times with our attention. We need to be like a magnify glass that is focused for an extended amount of time until fire breaks out.

As we do, the spiritual atmosphere will be changed wherever we go in faith. As we reflect the dazzling brilliance of the Lord, the enemy will flee in terror. As we clean up the dirty glass and throw away the idols that has been stealing our love and affection away from Him, we will shine more brightly. We will be the changed like Jacob when He came back from Mesopotamia after throwing away his idols, washing himself and changing his garments. It was then that the terror of God fell on all the places wherever he went. Church our future is so bright we will need better sunglasses. This is one occasion that you can sunbathe and it won’t harm you, in fact it will do you good and make you more like the Son.

“Christ’s resurrection is your resurrection too. This is why we are to yearn for all that is above, for that’s where Christ sits enthroned at the place of all power, honor, and authority!  Yes, feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm and fill your thoughts with heavenly realities, and not with the distractions of the natural realm. Your crucifixion  with Christ has severed the tie to this life, and now your true life is hidden away in God in Christ. And as Christ himself is seen for who he really is, who you really are will also be revealed, for you are now one with him in his glory!” Colossians 3:1-4 TPT