We are on the verge of a great move of God. The question is, are you ready? Are you going to be a spectator or a participator in what God is wanting to do in these days? So many Christians think that the church will get weaker and weaker before the Lord’s return. Yes, some may be weak, but this is not God’s plan. The beginning and the end of the bible speaks of a marriage and we read of the Bride of Christ getting herself ready for her King Jesus. There is a call going out;  “Then suddenly, in the middle of the night, they were awakened by the shout ‘Get up! the Bridegroom is here! Come out and have an encounter with Him” Matthew 25:6

I believe that those who prepare themselves will be greatly blessed in these End Times. In 2 Corinthians 3 it speaks of the glory of the Old Testament and the glory of the New Testament. The Old Testament glory was fading, but the glory of the New Testament is growing. We are in this privileged time. The call is to set your eyes upon the Lord and be changed to be like Him. You are changed into the image you reflect. The Devil is trying his best to get us to look at the world and all its problems so that we do not reflect the glory of the Lord. Jesus prayed in John 17:20-26 that we might receive His glory and know the love of the Father in this life and not just the next. In Proverbs 4:18 it says that the path of the just will be as a shining light that grows brighter and brighter unto the eternal day. I’m not believing for less, I’m believing for more. You will find this thread of thought in all my teachings. The Bride of Christ inherits all that her husband is given. We are co heirs with Christ in His glory seated with Him in heavenly places. Gaze upon these truths and be set free.