Practicing His Presence: _ 1


King David wrote most of the psalms and his son Solomon wrote the Song of Songs plus the book of Proverbs.

It says in 1 Kings 4:32 that Solomon’s also wrote 1005 songs. Unfortunately, the Song of Songs is the only one we still have with us today. Both the Psalms and the Song of Songs are rich in describing the glorious attributes of God.

David and Solomon noticed the beauty of the Lord in their daily walk and not just in the temple services.


David said that he wanted to dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of his life. What did he mean? Did he want to stay inside the Temple every day, all day? What he was saying was that he wanted to dwell in God’s presence every day of his life – all day. His presence was his home, his temple. He wanted to be conscious of God’s presence not just in the Temple but all day long.


“I have set the LORD always before me: “ Psalm 16:6 KJV 

“I am always thinking of the Lord.” Psalm 16:6 The Living Bible

How can you do this when there are so many other things clamouring for your attention? It may have been fine for David when he was a shepherd boy out in the fields, but what about when he was a King? Don’t Kings get busy?


 These days we are bombarded with so many distractions all day long?  I am told that we are exposed to over 3000 adverts a day through the media, television, the internet, radio and magazines.  

King David learned how to practice the presence of God all the time and in the Song of Songs you can see how his son Solomon also did the same. I believe everything is out there to help us practice His presence; we just need to have our eyes opened to see and also to know His word. David made this his priority.

“One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.” Psalm 27:4 NIV

It can be done, by the help of the Holy Spirit. We can be conscious of the presence of God every day of your life, and even in a big city like London. I know this because I pastored there for 6 years and enjoyed the presence of God on the busy, dirty streets of Wood Green. You don’t need to shut yourself away in a monastery or take on a shepherding job in the outback’s of Australia, to enjoy His presence.

 Our wonderful God is more present than we think, and He wants us to notice Him. The problem is we have our eyes closed. Proverbs says that wisdom is shouting out to us on the busy street Paul says that Jesus is made unto us wisdom so He too can be seen even in the busyness of life.


“Wisdom shouts in the streets. She cries out in the public square. She calls to the crowds along the main street, to those gathered in front of the city gate: … Come and listen to my counsel. I’ll share my heart with you and make you wise. Proverbs 1:20-23