Resist the Devil in these Perilous Times

I don’t think any of us was expecting the way things would pan out over the last couple of years. These are indeed perilous times, and for us Christians who study the scriptures, it is not unexpected. Its just happened a lot faster than we thought it would. These must be the days spoken of in the book of Revelation just before the end of the age.

“Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he hath but a short time.” Revelation 12:12

Stopping Church gatherings and not being able to visit the sick in hospital or honouring the dead has the Devil’s fingerprints all over them. This whole business of taking sides over vaccines is also evil and the Devil’s strategy is to divide and conquer.

Remember the Devil can’t force you to do anything but he can place thoughts in your mind with the hope that you will put them into practice, but we always have the power of choice.

In the book of Daniel it speaks of the increase of knowledge before the time of the end. As I have preached before we are now in that time of a ‘knowledge explosion.’ Having more knowledge can be beneficial but without the corresponding use of wisdom it brings with it much sorrow. I am amazed at how Christians are putting more confidence in the knowledge of man via the internet than in the wisdom of God through His word.

We really need to be asking God for wisdom right now, so that we will make the right decisions. God says that He will give wisdom to us liberally if we ask Him.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5

 We need to know how to walk by faith in these days and not live by our feelings or what we see or even by what the experts say. Jesus said in Luke 18 that when He comes, will he find faith in the earth?

I am amazed at how some Christians allow their lives to be guided by what some expert said instead of by the guidance of the Spirit. Just because it was stated by, a Jewish Scientist doesn’t mean it is of God. We need to ask ourselves, “What does the bible say and what is the Spirit saying? “

There is such an explosion of knowledge that it is confusing many. We may have more knowledge but we have a famine of wisdom. Wisdom comes from the Bible. Proverbs says that of all the things we can desire, nothing compares to wisdom. Proverbs 3:15

Let’s be honest. How much of the word are we reading and meditating upon every day? Compare this to how much time we are spending on Social Media and watching of Television? Aren’t we meant to be Christians living by the word of God?

Because of our lack the word in our lives and the corresponding guidance of His Spirit we are so easily blown about by every wind of doctrine. It says in the Last Days that even the ‘elect’ will be deceived and indeed there is so much deception now days.

I have noticed that generally some of the cleverest people I know seem to be the ones being deceived. They seem to put more confidence in the ideas of man rather than in the simple thoughts of God. Doesn’t the word say that it’s the apparent foolish ones who will confound the wise.

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;” 1 Corinthians 1:27

I believe that we desperately need to be speaking in tongues more when we pray so that we can tap into the mind of God rather than lean upon our own thoughts and the thoughts of man. Paul said that he prayed in tongues more than all of the Corinthian Church. No wonder he had such amazing revelation.

Proverbs says that we should be trusting in Lord with all your hearts (Spirit) and not to lean on our own understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6

Trusting in the Lord with my spirit and not leaning on my own understanding has helped me in the area of my personal health as well. Generally we can put more confidence in the medical profession than on what God says about our situation. Its not easy but I have proved this to be true and have walked in divine health for over 8 years now.

The answer is to resist those things that contradict God’s word.

“Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

The word ‘flee’ here speaks of the Devil running away in terror when we come against Him with the word of God.

In Mark 16:17-18 it says that the first thing we need to do is cast out demons. Be real, this is not something that most Christians think about.

“And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16:17-18

Notice that the next thing on this ‘to do list’ is to speak in tongues. Again this is something that is hardly practiced by Christians today. We need to realise what is really going on and come against the Devil in our lives. It’s the Devil that is putting oppression and confusion upon so many Christians, and it is coming through worldly programs on television and social media.

We must cast these oppressive thoughts out. Revelation 12:11 says that we can overcome Satan by the blood of the lamb, the words that we speak and the dying to self.

In the time of the Exodus the Children of Israel were protected from the Angel of Death by sprinkling the blood of a lamb on the door posts of their houses. We too can sprinkle the blood over our lives today, by believing what Jesus did for us on the cross and the power of His blood. The Devil hates the blood of Jesus as it overcame Him at the cross. Sprinkle it by faith over the doorposts of your mind by the use of your faith filled words. We have power in our tongues. Proverbs 18:21

We also need to love not our lives to the death. This is all to do with our attitude. Our attitude determines our altitude. Praising God is such a powerful weapon against the enemy. Praising God when we don’t understand what’s going on lifts us up out of confusion and sends Satan packing.

Jesus is the answer and has given us the power to overcome the Devil. Use the weapons that Christ has given us against Him. Let’s be more concerned about fearing God than being afraid of the Devil or worrying about the Antichrist.