The Antichrist is Coming: or is He?

These are perilous times in which we live and no doubt there will be lots of shortages from all the fallout over this war in Ukraine, and most likely more wars. This may be the war that ushers in the return of the Lord? – who knows? Instead of saying ‘On My God’ we should be saying ‘Oh Ma-Gog?’ lol

 The only problem I have with some of the teachings today (especially from America) is that of a future Antichrist. Its as if none of the Book of Revelation is for anyone in any other generation and only for us today, when it says right at the beginning of the book that these things shall shortly come to pass. That was 2000 years ago.

I may seem like a voice in the wilderness but I base my views on scripture, which is sure and firm. I also have history to back it up, and not like the futurists. Most of the false assumptions today go back to the Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy that take a verse about the 70th week and the covenant and attribute it to the Antichrist to come when it was all about Christ. One false view has been built upon another until it all seems like it’s the gospel truth today.

The wonderful thing is that God can take a portion of scripture about the shortage of wheat mentioned in the 3rd Seal and speak to us even today. Those verses on there being no oil and the wine etc in Revelation 6:5-6 also applied to a time in Pagan Rome when there was famine and also in during WW2.

We have some trying times ahead but I don’t think the antichrist is part of it. There will be trouble but we will have miracles of provision if we believe. It says that men will be marrying and giving in marriage and partying just like it was in the days of Noah before the flood when suddenly Jesus will come back.

“But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matthew 24:37-39


There are subtle assumptions that are keeping the church focused on things like the building of a temple, the coming Antichrist, chip implants, conspiracies etc. that are distracting us from keeping our eyes on Jesus and getting ready for the day of the Lord that is a lot closer than we think. It says that all the virgins were asleep when the Bridegroom came suddenly, but at least they were ready.

Remember that it’s the goodness of God that leads to repentance (Romans 2:4) but unfortunately many of the End Time Preachers are trying to use fear tactics to scare people into the Kingdom. It does have an effect, but unfortunately, many Christians have become so flakey with all their strange End time views. Praise God He forgives us and works with us anyway allowing it to go on. Paul said that for whatever motive or reason the gospel is preached its great that the gospel is getting out there. Philippians 1:1-18. However, at the end of the day I do think the end game is that we be led into truth.

Personally, I think that we should be full of faith and praying for a great end time revival right now. With our eyes on the Christ instead of on an apparent Antichrist. The people that come into the Kingdom may not have much time to mature in the Lord when He comes back, but at least they are saved by faith. Amen