Its Time to Praise the Lord

A standard requirement I believe for these End Times is the need for Praise. I can see that without it we can’t be those who are ‘More than Conquerors’. We are in Perilous Times, and if you are involved in any Church activity, you can’t help but be affected by all the problems that surround us.

A few years ago I was feeling a bit down from all that was happening in my world and asked God what the problem was. I had a dream that had a profound impact on my life that I want to share with you. In the dream I saw a minister friend of mine called Judah, in a wheelchair , all weak and feeble. Not only that but he had something wrong with his eyes and couldn’t see properly. I immediately thought that my friend Judah was going to have a car accident. Judah used to be a bit of a ‘petrol head’ and I thought God was warning me to tell him to be extra careful on the roads. As I prayed about it the next day, I felt the Lord say that it wasn’t him that He was speaking to me about - It was me. ‘Thou art the Man.” He said that my ‘Judah’ my ‘Praise’ was sick and weak, wheelchair material, and not only that, because of my weak praise it was affecting my vision, my spiritual vision.

At that time I read a verse in Psalm 119:164 that really spoke to me.

“Seven times a day I praise You, Because of Your righteous judgments”

King David used to find time to praise God 7 times a day. It’s interesting to see what sort of praise He is talking about. The word ‘Praise’ here in Hebrew is ‘Halal’, which is an aggressive type of praise. It can mean to shine, to flash light, and to boast. It can also mean to make a fool of yourself, to act like a mad man, or to rave. David definitely was an enthusiastic ‘Praiser,’ for we read of him dancing before the Ark of God as it was brought into Jerusalem. He stripped off everything that hindered him and danced in his under garments. His wife looked from a distance and criticized him for his exuberant rave and because of this she remained barren until her death. 2 Samuel 6:14-23

Now I’m not advocating that you dance outside in the underpants, but we need to realise that our praise needs to be enthusiastic at times if we want to be strong and get out of our spiritual wheelchairs.

Notice that David used to praise God 7 times a day - for his word. He wasn’t praising God for his wealth, his power, or his kingdom, but for the word. In those days all they had was the law but we now have a far better covenant and that is one of grace. If he could do it 7 times a day for the law, how much more should we be praising under the incredible promises of grace. 70 times 7?

I tried to work out what the 7 times would be that David set aside to praise the Lord. I thought of the times that he would stop in his busy day. Breakfast, morning tea, lunchtime, afternoon tea, tea time and then supper. That is a total of 6 times. What would be the 7th time? I found the answer in the same psalm.

“At midnight I will rise to give thanks to You, Because of Your righteous judgments.”  Psalm 119:62

The 7th time for David was in the middle of the night. The word ‘midnight’ here doesn’t mean at 12, but in the middle of the night. The word ‘thanks’ used here is different to the other verse. It’s the word ‘Yadah’ which is also an aggressive type of praise. This means to throw, shoot arrows, cast, or throw down. It’s using your arms to express yourself. David said that he would ‘arise’ at night. This is the Hebrew word ‘qum’ which means to stand, to become hostile, to become powerful, to come onto the scene with power.

I don’t think we realise how powerful we are as new creatures in Christ, especially when we praise God. We are like Jesus, our identity is now wrapped up in the glorified Lord. He shines like the sun and flashes with lightning as we see on the Mount of Transfiguration. You often find in scripture that God’s arrows are His lightnings. When we come onto the scene waving our arms we are like living dynamos that send forth lightning, causing the Devil to back off. We need to learn to praise God with this understanding.

Remember how it says in Isaiah that we are to arise and shine because our light has come. It says we are to do it when there is great darkness over the earth. We are in that time.

“Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1-2

The word ‘Arise’ here is the same word ‘qum’ used in Psalm 119:62 which means to come onto the scene in a hostile sense. To become powerful. The word ‘shine’ is the word ‘Or’ and means to become light, to shine, to be illuminated, and glorious. The word ‘light’ is the light of a heavenly luminary. The sun, moon, stars and lightning for instance. Our light is the glory of God. Isaiah also speaks of our need to put on the Garment of Praise.

“The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;” Isaiah 61:3

This garment is shining, it’s full of light and dispels darkness and trumps the spirit of heaviness. When you put this garment on it causes you to arise out of your spiritual wheel chair and enlightens your blind eyes. Another verse that is worth noting is found in Psalm 22. ”But You are holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel.” Psalm 22:3 NKJV

It tells us here that the presence of God responds to our praises. It says that He is enthroned on the praises of His people. The Japanese people have an interesting way of translating this verse. Since the Emperor was once considered a deity, they would carry him around on a throne. So they translate this verse: 'When we praise God, we create a seat, and God comes down and sits on it.'

Whether you are driving to work or working around the house, any time you begin to praise God you create a seat, and God will come down and sit in it. Never leave church and say, 'The pastor wasn't on' or 'The choir didn't ring the bell.' Ask yourself; 'Did I, by my praise, create a seat?' For any time you do, He will come and sit in it. 

Today you can carry His presence with you where ever you go, especially as we praise God. This is the responsibility of us His people, the Church. We are God’s New Testament Levites. Just as the Levites of old would carry the Ark of God on their shoulders, which held God’s presence, so do we have the privilege of carrying His presence wherever we go. 

Now is the time to arise and shake of the cords that the enemy has bound us with. Its time to get out of our spiritual wheelchairs and praise the Lord.

I always remember that program ‘Deal or No Deal’ on TV. I remember when the winners won the big prize. It was handed to them as large symbolic cheque that they would then hold up over their heads and jump up and down for glee. David said that He rejoiced in God’s word as one who had found a great spoil. We have inherited all Christ is and all He has, how much more should we rejoice in His word all day long.