Expect a Blessing

I really love thinking about and encouraging myself with the possibility that things could suddenly change in my life at any time and also in the Church. Its not just wishful thinking either, but a hope that runs through the whole bible. Not like winning Lotto where heaps of luck is needed and could happen randomly to anyone, but something that is reserved for those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. With this hope within you, you are destined for an encounter with God. The Father encourages us to believe that He is our ‘Great Rewarder’ and blesses all those who wait for Him.  

“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27

The reason we can have this hope for better things is because Christ is in us. If He is in us then we too can experience the same love that He has from the Father. The passion Bible really brings this thought out. 

“Living within you is the Christ who floods you with the expectation of glory! This mystery of Christ, embedded within us, becomes a heavenly treasure chest of hope filled with the riches of glory for his people, and God wants everyone to know it!” 

Encouraging the life of Christ within fills you with an expectation of glory, favour, blessings and future miracles. 

One of my favourite verses on this type of expectation is that of Elisha and Elijah. Elisha had been serving his master Elijah for years and was waiting to receive his mantle. 

And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. “ 2 Kings 2:11  

That day was a red-letter day for Elisha that changed his life forever. The Day of Small things came to an end, and the day of God’s Power began for Elisha. He went from 0 = 100 in the twinkling of an eye and miracles began to take place on a regular basis. The day before was just the same old same old, but now things were different. This blessing wasn’t for everyone though as there were 50 other Prophets nearby but they were on the wrong side of the river. Elisha was in the right place at the right time and he had been expectant and ready for years. This was the most important thing, for he hadn’t given up and stuck in there serving his master. It would have been a pity to have travelled so far and to then miss out. There is a verse in 2 John 1:8 in the Living Bible. 

“Beware of being like them and losing the prize that you and I have been working so hard to get. See to it that you win your full reward from the Lord.” 2 John 1:8 

When I was a teenager I used to go net fishing for the elusive fish called ‘whitebait.’ They came in shoals up the rivers in certain parts of New Zealand and really were a delicacy. You could only fish for them legally at a certain time of the year and even then could end up with none. Even if they were ‘running’ you could also miss out if you weren’t in the right place at the right time. I remember travelling all the way up the Mokau River and putting my net in at low tide, as it was a tidal river, on the off chance of getting some. It wasn’t the right time but “who knows?” To my surprise, I came back an hour later to find my net full and all the water was bubbling with these little fish. I didn’t have a big enough bucket to put them in so poured them out onto my coat and into my gumboots, what a day. I was in the right place at the right time. No one else caught any and even I didn’t get any more later, when the tide came in. That was the most whitebait I’d ever caught and it came about because I was keen and was there for the blessing when it passed by.

 Elisha knew the season, he knew something was up, and a change was coming, so he seized the opportunity, and made the necessary adjustments. He could have turned back when asked too by Elijah but determined in his heart that he had travelled so far and couldn’t turn back now. He paid the price and was abundantly blessed! 

When the SUDDENLY of God came for Elisha, he was ready. It’s not something that happened often. For him it was a once in a lifetime opportunity that he could have easily missed out on. He’d lived for this day and he wasn’t going to blow it now, even though Elijah tried to put him off four times. 

In 1994 there was a blessing that came to the Church world-wide called the “Toronto Blessing”. It was happening all around the world at that time but only experienced by those who believed it was of God and were hungry and ready for it. There were many sceptics who didn’t think it was from God, and got nothing. If you were listening to the voice of the Spirit, you’ll hear God’s timing, for He does nothing without first revealing it to his servants the Prophets. 

“Believe in the Lord your God, so shall you be established; believe his prophets, so shall you prosper.” 2 Chronicles 20:20 

In 2 Kings 4:6 a widow woman was told to get pots by a Prophet, and when she did they were all filled up with oil. The more pots she got the more oil she had. She didn’t know this was going to happen and did it all by faith and was rewarded for her efforts. If she only brought 4 pots that’s all that would have been filled. She then sold the oil in her many pots and was free from debt. 

Many Christians are stuck in their old ways of thinking and do not want to change, so they miss the blessing of God when it passes them by. They are not blessed because they don’t take a leap of faith. 

In 1968 the Swiss dominated the world market with watches. They prided themselves in 100% excellence, having 65% of the world market share, and 80% of the profit. 10 years later they only had 10% of the market share and 50,000 of the 65,000 watchmakers were laid off. Today Japan leads the world market in watches. How did this happen?

The Swiss had also invented the quartz watch in 1967 but rejected the idea as it was too “El Cheapo” and had no main spring etc. The Quartz watch however was 1000 times more accurate. Because they didn’t protect their idea at the World Watch Show where it was on display, Texas Instruments and Seiko grabbed the idea the rest is history. The Swiss didn’t seize the window of opportunity when it came and lost out. We too need to be careful that we don’t lose out on God’s blessings when it passes by. 

Do you believe the Prophets? Are you getting ready for God’s great move? Are you on the right side of the river? Have you even got a net? God has His ‘suddenly’ coming up and has a blessing for those who are in the right place at the right time, and have their pots  ready, aligning themselves for a blessing. 

We also have the story in John 5:1-4 where an angel came down from time to time and touched the pool of Bethesda and all that went into the water were healed. It wasn’t something that happened that often, but if you believed and were ready for it, you could be healed. 

In Mark 10:46 we have the story of blind Bartimaeus who might never have seen if he hadn’t seized the opportunity set before him. He realised that Jesus was passing by and may never come this way again, so he aligned himself to get that blessing, and was healed of his blindness. 

At this moment in time we find ourselves in the ‘Day of Small Things’ - Zechariah 4:10. The bible tells us not to despise this day for there is a great day to come called the ‘Day of God’s Power’ - Psalm 110. This is a day like no other, and is a day the Lord has made. It’s God’s Special Day. Psalm 118:24.  

As we see all that is happening around us in the world, its obvious that the Lord is coming back soon and if you have been reading your bible properly you will see that He wants Revival. The bible says that there will be an Early and a Latter rain before Jesus comes back, so what are you doing about it? Are you expecting anything to happen? Are you believing for a blessing? Are you, as His Bride, getting yourself ready?  

“Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.” James 5:7-8.

There is to be a Former and a Latter rain before the Lord’s return. The Former rain was at Pentecost and kick started the Church. The Latter Rain will bring in a great harvest of souls before the Lord’s return. Don’t just be a spectator but a participator. Malachi chapter 4 also speaks of Elijah coming before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord turning hearts to the Lord. The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord is His 2nd Coming and the Elijah here would be His prepared Spirit Filled  Church anointed with power. 

“See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents;” Malachi 4:5-6