Jesus is still the Answer

As we begin 2022, I feel encouraged after a wonderful time with the Lord in the early hours of this morning.

I must confess that the days over Christmas were really hard, with everything I believed in being challenged by doubt and apposing circumstances. I knew it was the enemy but couldn’t seem to get the victory. Praise God I managed to stand my ground and last night I knew that something had shifted in the heavenlies.

The thought keeps coming to me again and again, “Bride get yourself ready.” I felt the Lord say that His coming is near and He is calling out a people who are in love with Him with all their hearts.

Believe it or not the answer has been and still is JESUS. In these days, the church is being tempted to focus on all sorts of things from conspiracy theories, to sickness, lack and the ‘Antichrist’, just to name  a few. They may seem ‘legit’ but we can lose our first love in the process.

The Lord is finding it hard to find a people who love Him more than … all these things.

He wants to be our ALL in ALL. Our food and drink, our portion and our cup. Our inheritance, our treasure and our prize. Our exceeding great reward. As we keep ourselves in this ‘sweet spot’, we become invincible and are able to walk on water so to speak.

Jesus said in John 6:57 that He lived by the power of the living Father who sent Him and in the same way those who feed on Him, He too will become their life. I believe this is what He is trying to do in those who are really hungry for Him. He wants to be your life.

He doesn’t just want to be your ticket to Heaven. He wants us to ‘know’ Him. He wants us know His life within and wants us to live by the power of the Spirit within.

For us to come to this place, we need to die. He delights in the death of His saints.

I have felt so weak at times and say ‘unless you give me the strength Lord, I can’t go on.’ It amazes me how He can turn things around and invigorate me again. He is my life.

We are amazed at how Elisha’s bones could raise a man from the dead when touched. Our bones are even more anointed for we have within us the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead and He quickens our mortal bodies. Believe that you are baptised in the Holy Spirit.

A verse that the Spirit keeps reminding me of is Colossians 2:10 TLB

We have everything when we have Christ and are filled with God in our union with Christ. We are complete in Him. He wants us to ‘know’ that He is in us. The Christ who created all things, the Supreme ruler over all, is in us.

I believe the Lord wants a people who will give Him the time and attention to work this out in their lives so that they become fully persuaded that Christ is in them, the Hope of Glory. Don’t let the Devil lie to you anymore. Yes the facts may say that you are too sick or too old, and have gone past your use by date, but the truth is – Christ is still in you. He longs to be gracious to you and He is all that He says He is.

All things are possible to Him who believes.