Finding True Riches


Over the years I have had some amazing signs from the Lord to underline truths that He’d been trying to get across to me. One sign that sticks out was while a holiday in New Zealand with my wife Bernice.  We were living in Zimbabwe at the time and came across to my sister’s house in Whangarei.  I usually go for a prayer walk every day and walked around a large running track at the Kensington Sports Stadium next to her house.  I was praying earnestly about my financial situation, for things were a bit tight for us in Zimbabwe and we didn’t have much money for this holiday. As I was walking along praying in tongues I spotted a small plastic bank bag ahead of me that appeared to be full of bank notes. I have come across the odd dollar bill while walking before but this seemed to be the mother load. “Hallelujah” my prayers have been answered - I thought. I swooped on the bag but on close inspection I found that it was only filled with pages out of a Gideon’s bible. In disgust I threw it aside only to come under immediate and serious conviction of the Holy Spirit. I then felt the Lord say to me that I needed these words in this packet more than I needed money, so I picked up the bag and took out the pages and read them up on the Grandstand seats. I was soon arrested by this verse in the book of Peter.


 “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” 1 Peter 2:2-3

 We had two young boys, and it was still fresh in my mind how babies cry out for food all the time. The scriptures here were saying that we should be desiring the word morning, noon and night like a baby desires milk. If we want to grow then we need to have a constant input of the word, which is our spiritual food.

 This incident was a sign set up by God to get a point across. It was hard to forget what happened that day and in a sense has helped me to stay on track and value God’s word more than money, ever since. His words are true riches. God said, “You think you need money but what you really need is to grow spiritually and put me first, for I will supply all your needs. The bible says that God wants us to prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers. There is a tie up between our soul prospering and an overflow of good health and financial blessings.

 “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1:2


 On examining the verse in 2 Peter 2:2, it says that we are to ‘desire’ the word. This word desire in Greek is ‘Epipotheo’ which means to long for, pursue and even lust after something. It’s one time where we are allowed to lust after something. Desire the pure milk of the word. A baby needs to grow and so do we as babes in Christ. You give babies all that they need and don’t get them to ‘fast’ or go without food, so why should we ever be led to fast or go without the word of God. How many times do you have to feed a baby? It’s a full time occupation, day and night, on demand.

The question we need to ask ourselves is, “how many times do we feed on God’s word a day?” Once a day? Once a week? Once a month? We should be desiring it more than a baby desires milk. If a baby doesn’t want their milk then we would be concerned, for something is wrong with them.


 I know most of us are busy at work each day but we can write a verse on a piece of paper and quote it every now and then through the day. When I had a very busy job with advertising I used to keep a couple of scriptures written on a piece of paper in my pocket and bring them out every now and then to read  during the day. If others could stop for a smoke (which you were allowed to do in those days) then so could I stop for a praise break. During training In the Rhodesian Army I had a Gideon’s Bible that I would bring out and read a few verses from when the other soldiers had a smoke break.

 The first sermon I preached at Bible College was from this verse in Matthew that Jesus quoted in His temptation in the wilderness.

 “Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ” Matthew 4:4

 In this verse we see that the word is likened to food and as Christians we can’t live without it. It’s Christian food. Ask yourself, “Is my ‘diet’ now any different than when I was in the world”? Is the only difference now that I go to church on a Sunday?


 I’m saying this in relation to those things that we are interested in and not so much literal food. I liken our spiritual experience to that of being changed from a Caterpillar into a Butterfly. We are changed by God into new creatures. Caterpillars eat different food to Butterflies. We are meant to be eating nectar now and not the food we lived on before. The Bible likens the word to honey and food many times over in the bible.

 “The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb. By them your servant is warned; in keeping them there is great reward.” Psalm 19:7-11

 “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Psalm 119:103

 “I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.” Job 23:12


Job said that he loved God’s word more than food. Wow, does anyone say that now days? It sounded like he lived on another planet. We wonder why there are no signs, wonders and miracles in the west today. I suggest that it’s not that God is finished doing miracles in this generation for He is still the same. “Yesterday today and forever.”


The trouble is we are so carnal. We are like butterfly's living on caterpillar food when we should be feeding on the nectar of the word. How big a part is the word in your life?

 “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8  

 If I was a Doctor and someone came to me saying they were feeling really weak. After checking them out, I found they were malnourished and I asked them. “When did you last eat?” They may reply that it was last Tuesday. I would say that it’s now Friday, no wonder you are weak. The trouble is we treat God’s word like this and wonder why we are feeling so spiritually weak and sick all the time. We are meant to be lusting after His word. Eating, sleeping and drinking God’s word. When a baby is hungry you can give it a toy but it’s not interested in that, it wants food.

 The trouble is with us when we are hungry and are meant to have good spiritual food but we often supplement it with the toys of this world, but they do not satisfy. They may give a little relief at first but it doesn’t last. The flesh enjoys it for a season but the spirit remains starved. It can be like getting drunk on wine. At the time it’s fun but there is always a hangover afterwards.


 David loved the word with all his heart, and in Psalm 119 you’ll find that every verse in this long psalm mentions the word. He stood in awe of it and rejoiced over it day and night.

 “I rejoice in your promise like one who finds great spoil.” Psalm 119:162

 iThe question is, do we? Have you notice how winners respond on that television program “Deal or no deal? When they win a few thousand dollars; they celebrate by holding up the banner displaying their prize and jump up and down with glee. They rejoice in their prize (their great spoil) and in a sense so should we delight in God’s word which is far more precious than silver or gold. We are to do it by faith for all His promises are true. David said that 7 times a day he rejoiced in the word of God.

 “Seven times a day I praise You, Because of Your righteous judgements.” Psalm 119:164

 This word for praise is ‘Hawlal’ which comes from the word ‘Hallelujah.’ It means to get your whole body involved in praise; to shine, flash, colour, show off your praise boastfully, and to make a fool of yourself. It even means to rave and act like a mad man. If David did that under the old covenant law how much more should we be rejoicing under grace. We have far more than David did and far better promises.


“If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness!  For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts!” 2 Cor 3:9-11

 What’s wrong with us today? I think we have too many opportunities, too much stuff coming into our lives that water down our love for God and His word. It’s like having too much junk food. I remember when our boys Adrian and Sean were young, we lived opposite a lady who was a very good South African cook. In the afternoons they would go across and play at her house before tea. When it was time to eat they were not hungry and I found out that they were having lots of sweets and cakes at her house, so they didn’t want healthy food anymore. I can see how we Christians can do the same today. Too much of the world kills our love for the things of God. The Rev F.F Bosworth said.

 “Some people wonder why they can’t have faith for healing. They feed their body three hot meals a day and their spirit one cold snack a week.”

 In 1830 Alexis deTocqueville the famous travelogue visited pioneer homes across America and noted that every home had a bible and the works of Shakespeare. Most early Americans then were people of a strong faith. What would he find in every home if he went around America today, even in Christian homes?

 My challenge for us all is; “Are you desiring the word as a new born baby does for milk? Do you read scripture only once a week or do you meditate on it day and night? God told me once that I was suffering from spiritual anorexia. I was starving myself of the word.  I didn’t realise the condition I was in and thought I was OK. That’s the trouble with anorexics, they think you are OK but they are deceived. They are literally starving themselves to death, and so can we Christians starve ourselves of our life force and not know it.

 Jeremiah said that the word was the joy and rejoicing of his heart.

 “Your words were found, and I ate them, And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart;” Jeremiah 15:16

 We don’t need to read volumes of the bible but rather take portions of His word and meditate on them often. Get some promises and think about them, speaking them over and over again throughout the day. You may say “I can’t do two things at once.” That’s a lie as we manage to worry all through the day and can still go about our work. Worry is thinking on negative things while the word is more positive and life giving. There’s life in the word and it helps us partake of the divine nature.

 “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.“ 2 Peter 1:3-4

 The word is a seed and has the DNA of God in it. It can soon become part of you and also washes your soul day and night. What’s the delight of your heart? Is the word honey to you? Is it your food and drink? Doesn’t it concern you that you are not growing in Christ? Maybe like me you are putting too much emphasis on money and not the true riches of God’s word.

 In closing I want to share another couple of humorous incidents concerning the finding of money.

 Each year while in ‘land locked’ Zimbabwe, Bernice and I would try and get down to the Natal coast, and stay in Durban close to the beach. It took us over 14 hours by car from Bulawayo to get there and we would stay in a hotel or house-sit for some of my wife’s relatives.  It was always such a joy to be near the sea again, even if it was a bit crowded on those tropical beaches.


One amusing incident comes to mind, that had a spiritual lesson in it for me. The bible says that we should flee from lust and Durban Beach was a destination that wasn’t a place for Monks or Nuns. All of South Africa’s beautiful girls would come down there to display their assets for the entire world to see. They wore beach wear that varied from “Dress-less evening straps” to “Open neck shorts.” It’s a wonder they even bothered to get dressed at all half the time. On one particular day I was nearly going cross eyed as I sat close to the waters edge minding my own business. I decided to keep my eyes looking straight ahead, at the waves and not on the beautiful bodies that paraded in front of me. As I looked straight ahead I was amazed to see a 20 Rand bank note wash up on the shore, right at my feet. I rushed down and promptly claimed my prize, feeling rewarded by God for being such a ‘good boy.’ Someone must have been swimming out there with some money in their pocket, and lost it in one of those big waves. There weren’t any bloodstains or teeth marks on it, so it can’t have been from a shark victim.

On another occasion I went for a prayer walk along the beach early in the morning.  It was great for awhile as no one was around except an old guy with a metal detector looking for money and jewellery that had been dropped in the sand by sun bathers. I was having a wonderful time just praising the Lord as I walked along the rubbish strewn beach with the waves crashing on the seashore. Suddenly I spotted a Rand Bank note out of the corner of my eye.  “Wow this is exciting, God is good.“ I thought.  After awhile I began to wonder if it was God, as it ruined my prayer time from then on. All I could think about was looking for more money as I wandered up the beach. Every bit of paper looked like money.
