Four Christmas Gifts

Four Christmas gifts

"May God give peace to you… and love, with faith... may God's grace... be upon all who sincerely love our Lord Jesus Christ." Eph 6:23 TLB

It's easy to get caught up in the craziness of shopping, parties, gift giving and family obligations. In fact, it's exhausting just thinking about it all! Imagine, however, that when you wakened this morning you found four gifts you'd overlooked, tucked under the tree.

You open the first one and are filled with an awesome sense of peace you've never known before. You unwrap the second and experience an overpowering love for others - even those who've wronged you. You open the third, and you're infused with a faith that enables you to trust God for anything - even things you once considered impossible. Finally, you unwrap the fourth gift and receive such grace that you can handle criticism and hurt without retaliating.

Sound far-fetched? Not at all! These are the gifts Paul says God wants to give you. Listen:

“May God give peace to you … and love, with faith … May God's grace … be upon all who sincerely love our Lord Jesus Christ" (Eph 6:23 TLB). What gifts!

And you won't have to return any of them after Christmas because they're guaranteed to last a lifetime. Remember, God's already given them to you - all you have to do is open the presents and start using them.

It's Christmas Day, the day that changed everything. Why don't you take a moment and thank God for all His wonderful gifts - especially for the gift of His Son. After all, without Him you'd have nothing to celebrate. Right?

This message was taken from an old copy of Word for Today. Rhema Media Incorporated was the publisher. A free copy of the devotional can be obtained from Rhema Media.