Adventures of a God Whisperer


When I came to Africa in 1971, I eventually ended up in Rhodesia. I had become a Christian in Johannesburg and through the Church there travelled up to Rhodesia and got a job.

There was a bush war going on in the country and every able-bodied man was called up. My Christian friends were all going in and felt that it was their duty to protect the country from the advancing communist threat. I was working in a Christian Printing firm and after a year I too was called up. I could have left and gone back to New Zealand but felt that I should go in. I had escaped the ballot system of call up in New Zealand but here I was in a real war. It seemed like the Lord was saying to me that I needed the discipline of army life and I should not be afraid, for He would look after me and bring me home again to New Zealand. I didn’t want to take a human life so prayed that I would be able to get into HQ Signals as a Radio Operator, and God answered my prayer. My intake was number 132 and we spent the first part of our training in Llewellyn Barracks near Bulawayo.  After this I was trained in Signals at the Brady Barracks in Bulawayo.


On one of my stints I was assigned to a unit at the ‘Alpha Trail’ in the Mavuradonha Mountains near the Zambezi Valley as an HQ signaller along with another soldier.

We had day and night radio shifts talking to the soldiers out in the bush and there wasn’t much action going on while I was there. I did a lot of praying, bible reading and cartooning of the soldiers to keep up the morale.

There was a lot a ‘critters’ around such as big spiders, biting ants and snakes, so every morning I would check my boots to see if there were any snakes taking up residence. On occasions, I did hear a snake slithering across the canvas floor of my tent along with lots of other strange sounds. The most dangerous snake was the Puff Adder, for they didn’t get out of your way if you came across them on the path. Most snakes were long gone before you got there. If bitten by a Puff Adder your flesh would rot away around the bite.


At night we had to keep the tent door tightly closed as any light escaping would not only attract enemy attention but unwanted insects as well.  The insects up near the Zambezi Valley are all ‘industrial strength.’ Some of the ants were as bad as spiders and could give you a nasty bite. One big spider made a web between trees which were so strong and sticky that it could even catch a small bird. I’ll never forget running down a hill and screeching to a Holt a few inches short of this huge thing staring me in the face. I still have visions of what could have happened if it had got tangled up on me?


We were based in this camp for an extended period, but there were older men who would come and go during that time, from the RHU (Rhodesian Holding Unit). They were like an African version of ‘Dad’s Army.’ I can’t remember now what they did there. Being very near the Zambezi Valley there was a lot of the fighting going on, not that far from us. The first intake of the RHU were always super cautious. The men would wear full webbing and boots when they arrived and carried their rifles everywhere around the camp. But as the days went by with nothing happening, they started to relax and got rather careless, leaving their rifles in their tents and stopped wearing camouflage clothing. It soon became very much like a scene from ‘MASH,’ with colourful shirts, shorts and sandals.


Every morning early we had a ‘stand too’ in the trenches surrounding the camp, with our rifles and kit, all prepared. After a week or so men would come out in their pyjamas and bring a cuppa tea with them, and sometimes leaving their rifles behind. It was real cartooning material.


At the end of the war I received a letter of thanks from Capt. Quick thanking me on behalf of Major Rollason for cartooning the men, which was quite a surprise.  

We spent a lot of time playing Volley Ball as well and once a week there would be a shooting competition, chopping down trees with our FN rifles?


Some of the camp signalmen had to go and sit on kopje (high hill) all alone, relaying messages back to camp. It was a lonely and boring job for these men, but they often passed the time away playing ‘battleships’ over the radio with some one in the camp.

  I thought later that this scenario is how it is with so many Christians today. When they first believed they were taught that  Jesus will come back again any day, so they are on their toes, zealously staying close to the Lord. As time goes by, and with Jesus not coming back yet, they let down their guard and become casual. They live as if there is no tomorrow and Jesus will never return.

“But we will know THE SEASON of the Lord’s Return. “Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.  1 Thessalonians 5:1-2

I remember when we used to have public prayer meetings at the end of the war, with Mugabe obviously coming to power. Everyone was afraid and committed it in prayer to the Lord. While at one of these meetings one night, my mother in law had her handbag stolen from under her seat while her eyes were closed in prayer. We were in the last row and it was obvious that an ‘opportunist’ has crawled under the seat at the right time and stolen her bag. When she got home and told her husband, He said that it was all her fault for not ‘Watching and Praying.’ Lol.

“Watch therefore, for you don't know in what hour your Lord comes.”  (Matthew 24:42)

The bible warns us to always be ‘watchful,’ for we do not know the day nor the hour of His return. Jesus says that He will come as a thief in the night and thieves don’t make an appointment when they come to rob you. They use the element of surprise to steal away your goods.

This is how it will be when Christ comes back to judge the earth. He will surprise everyone.

“Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him,  even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen.” Revelation 1:7

 It’s interesting to note in the Parable of the 10 Virgins, that even the 5 wise ones were asleep when He came. But at least they were ready, for they had their lamps full of oil and not like the 5 foolish ones who were running on empty.  Is the Lord trying to warn us from this Parable, that only 50% of the Christians will be prepared for His Return?

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.“  Matthew 24:36

Even though we don’t know the day nor the hour, we are told that we will know the season, so be wise and ready to meet your Maker.  Have a look at my message on the Signs of His Coming on my YouTube Channel.

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