Be an 'Extra Miler'

“If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.” Mat 5:38-42 

In Jesus’ day it was the custom that if a Roman Soldier asked you to help him carry his baggage, you were obligated to carry it for one mile. It was the law, and you could be in big trouble if you refused. Jesus went on to say that, a Christian should offer to carry it for him two miles as a witness. What He was saying was that we should be those who go the extra mile (be generous) not just in this matter but in all things. This attitude was different to the Jewish Rulers who were sticklers to the law and gave no more or no less, and often used the law to their advantage. Jesus said that we should be a people of grace, and not just a people of the law. A generous people. 

In what way can we be an extra miler?

In the Kingdom of God we are to live under His rule in every area of our lives. The beauty of being in His Kingdom is that we always reap far more than we sow. God calls us to be a generous people in every part of our lives and He sees to it that we are truly blessed. We are to be extra milers. 

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6:38 

Jesus never said that we must only give to those who can give back to us again either but be those who give to those who can’t pay us back. John Bunyan said that we can never live successfully today unless we have done something for someone who can never repay us. 

An extra miler cares more about the things of God than others think is wise.

Sometimes I get the impression that some think being in the ministry is easy, little realising that to get to this place and remain there over the long haul required sacrifice and going the extra mile from beginning to end. I could have done a correspondence course and got a diploma in theology to get into the ministry, but decided to give up my job in art and go to Bible College with my wife and a baby in another country - with no support. To many this seemed unwise but God came through all the way. What my wife and I learnt from this experience was invaluable for the days ahead. Returning from College and going back to Zimbabwe seemed silly too, especially in those days when the country was having such problems. It would seem more sensible to return to ‘safe’ New Zealand and look for a Church there. 

An extra miler risks more than others think safe.

Jesus was led into the wilderness by God to be tempted of the Devil for 40 days, which wasn’t a very safe thing to do. 

“Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert,  where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.” Luke 4:1-2 

Sometimes the Spirit will lead you into places where it seems logically unsafe, but remember that the Bible says that we are not to love our lives but always put Jesus first. 

“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” Revelation 12:11 

In days gone by missionaries went out into the field knowing that they may never return home again. Some even left their children behind with family to fulfil the call. Today some Christians won’t go anywhere ‘unsafe’ because they want to remain in their comfort zone all the time and not lose money. With this type of attitude you will have no anointing on your life or adventures in God. 

An extra miler dreams and believes more than others think is practical

The extra Miler always dreams big, generous thoughts. They think outside of the box. I believe we need to confess big things every day in our prayers. It’s always good to have a stretch. Stretch yourself to believe for bigger things in every area of your life.  ‘Always aim for the moon, and even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.’ 

Martin Luther King made a statement that has become famous. “I have a dream.” He had a dream of racial equality and back then it seemed impossible. There were those who dreamt of ending the slavery of Negros in days gone by and eventually saw it realised after many years with no success and great resistance.  

Many people just think inside the box, but an extra miler does more, he always thinks outside the box. So many of us can think small thoughts like brained washed fleas. Years ago Flea Trainers found that if you put fleas in a jar, they would hop madly at first and hit their heads on the lid. After a while they don’t jump so high anymore and jump just short of the jar’s lid. You can eventually take the lid off and they will never jump out of the jar again. We can be like this too. The world, our past, unbelief, hurts and our education can put a lid on our thinking so we end up like those fleas. There were those who once said that man would never fly, yet were proved wrong and we too may only jump ‘so high’ in our thinking, not realising that we can go much further. Men of faith like Abraham went far beyond the lid and pushed the envelope in their belief that they could even have a son at 100 years old. Many of us aren’t even 70 yet and still struggle to believe big things beyond our understanding. 

I am always inspired by the story of Howard Carter who discovered Tutankhamen’s Tomb in 1922. He began his search with the help of Lord Carnarvon in 1909 and continued diligently for 13 years with little evidence that he was on the right track. All he had to go by was a dream, for all the tombs discovered up until then had been robbed centuries earlier. Carter continued persevering even when Lord Carnarvon, wanted to pull the plug on the partnership, having spent over $2 million dollars on financing the expedition. Carter finally found the tomb of Tutankhamen, which was far above what they could have possibly ever dreamed. The tomb was filled with amazing treasures that the world had not seen the like of for over 3000 years. 

Thomas Edison was another extra miler who persevered until he had achieved what he believed. He is accredited with the invention of the electric light bulb along with many other amazing things. It took him 1000 failed attempts to successfully achieve his goal. A friend said that he had failed 1000 times, but Edison said no, the invention of the electric light bulb was a 1000 step process. The difference between a winner and a loser is that the winner gets up one more time. 

I remember seeing in Science Fiction comics as a child, the phone in the shoe heel that allowed you to speak to someone wirelessly and also a phone in which you could see someone at the same time. How on earth could it be done, we used to say? Now with computers, the Internet and webcams you can see and speak to friends in the UK while in NZ any time I want. If the Lord tarries, who knows what will be achieved that we now think impossible in the days that lie ahead.

The bible says.   “All things are possible to them that believe.” Mark 9:23 

To be an Edison or a Carter requires the extra miler vision; confidence, tenacity, blood, sweat, tears and of course it will cost you dearly. “As long as you are comfortable without something, then you won’t pursue it.” Allow yourself to be uncomfortable. Pray that God will get you out of your comfort zone. Fasting is always uncomfortable and Jesus encourages us to do it too. Pray that you will be an extra miler. 

An extra miler gives more than others think is necessary.

God loves extravagant givers, those who do more than the law requires. We can give to the requirement of the law all the time but an extra miler knows that God is no man’s debtor and will always bless those who give beyond the norm. One thing that God hated from his people in Bible days was the fact that many gave but it wasn’t their best. They gave something to fulfil the law and that was all but it was inferior. 

“When you bring blind animals for sacrifice, is that not wrong? When you sacrifice crippled or diseased animals, is that not wrong? Try offering them to your governor! Would he be pleased with you? Would he accept you?" says the LORD Almighty.” Malachi 1:8 

I want to challenge you to be an extra miler in your giving as well. Have you ever tried giving more than your tithe now and then? See what God will do for you by opening up the windows of heaven and pouring out a blessing on you. God always goes the extra mile for us by giving far more than He needs too and that is so we can give to others. The secret to joyful living is to always do more than is expected of us.  Be an ‘Xtra Miler’.