Don't Let Worry Kill You

"Don't let worry kill you, let the Church help."

This was a humorous Church Billboard with a play on words - insinuating that the Church will help to get you killed. There maybe some Churches that will do just that, but hopefully they are few and far between.  

Worry can be a 'killer' and if it doesn't kill you right away it will sure add nails to your coffin.

When you look back at what you were worrying about this time last year, (If you can remember what it was) you’ll feel a little stupid that you let it affect you so much.  

Worry doesn’t take away tomorrow’s troubles, it just robs us of today’s strength. One comedian said:  

“Who says that worry doesn’t work? Most of the things I worry about never happen." 

Worry is like a Rocking Chair; it requires a lot of energy but gets you nowhere. Jesus says that it's a waste of time to worry, for it preoccupies your mind and prevents you from enjoying what you have right now.

Some folk have a hidden love for worry and don't realise it. When one worry is gone they’ll replace it with another. They feel lost unless they have something to worry about. For them worries are lining up at the door waiting to enter one after the other. In fact some people enjoy entertaining worrying thoughts for they are their mental and emotional companions.  

It’s calculated that 40% of what we worry about never happens. 30% of it has happened already. 12% can’t be changed. 10% is to do with our health and worry only makes it worse. 8% of worry is genuine and can be influenced for good. 

Leonard Thomas says, "if you want to test your memory, try remembering what you were worrying about a year ago."    

King David said that we need to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. If you live to be 80, you will have spent approximately 29,200 days here on earth. You can’t change the past but what are we going to do with the days you have left? Will you fill those days with worry or will you enjoy each day and the presence of the Lord? 

Here's a few suggestions!

1. Rejoice in the Lord! He is the one and only constant thing you can count on in life. He is as close to you as a prayer. He's carrying you, so "just lean back and enjoy the ride," and don't forget to let Him drive! 

2. Don't worry about tomorrow. Live in today. Remember, your relationships are more important than your career. In a past interview, Dr. Billy Graham was asked, "If you had your life to live again, what would you do differently?" He answered, "I would spend more time reading the Bible and getting to know Jesus for myself. I would also spend more time with my wife and children." 

We're not hurt so much by what happens to us in life, as by our opinion of what happens to us. You can't usually control what happens to you, but with God's help you can control what happens inside of you.

Remember the words, "Rejoice in the Lord always" (Phil 4:4) Back in the day these words were written from the worst prison you've ever seen. The secret was, Paul was in prison, but prison wasn't in Paul, The Kingdom of God was in him and that equals "righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Rom 14:17). This is a right relationship with God that gives you confidence; a peace that is not subject to your surroundings or other people's actions; and a joy that works from the inside out.  

The thing you're worrying about today and your problems you think are your responsibility to solve. We need to save time, our nerves and our brain until we're certain that it is our responsibility. Just because the sky looks threatening doesn't mean the storm will ever arrive. Peter said.  

"Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:1) 

When you've done all you're supposed to do, trust Him to do the rest. Perhaps you're worried about your family or your finances or your future and there's nothing you can do about it. That's a frightening place to be, but spiritually speaking, you're on the threshold of a miracle. Remember that God is your loving Father. Jesus said,  

"Your Heavenly Father knows that ye have need of all these things" (Matthew 6:32) 

He knows what you need and has got your back. Don’t spend your time worrying, spend more time praising.

There was a man riding down the road on a horse and cart when he saw a stranger struggling under a heavy load. He stopped and offered him a ride, and the stranger accepted. But as they rode along together, he noticed the stranger still kept carrying the huge sack on his back So stopped and said, "Why don't you just lay it down?" The stranger replied, "Oh no, it's good of you to carry me, I couldn't expect you to carry my burden too." You may smile, but isn't that what we often do with God? God says,  

"I will be your God throughout all your lifetime, yes, even when your hair is white with age. I made you and I will care for you" (Isa 46:4) 

Stop taking those cares back and soon Satan will stop bringing them back. Paul gives us some good advice in one of his Epistles; 

Philippians 4:6-8 “In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honourable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think about these things.”

Trusting God is an attitude that needs to be developed and requires some habit of thought. It can be acquired through; Praying the right prayers. Hanging around with the right people. Reading the right books. Speaking the right words. Listening to the right messages. Doing the right things. 

Once when I was a Pastor in Mutare, Zimbabwe, it seemed like God had forgotten all about me there. I was worried about my future for my life seemed to be going nowhere. I felt that God was saying that this was my ‘Gerar’ or 'halting place' in my life. He wanted me to trust Him there where I could do nothing but wait. A friend told me to keep myself active so I went for runs and played squash. I had an old computer that I taught myself all about word processing on. I also spent a lot of time going on prayer walks and used my artistic talent to cartoon for the local newspaper. Eventually I left Mutare and came back to New Zealand. God came through for me and I realised that all of those things I did there were in preparation for the future. Today I do heaps of writing and have in the past produced lots of artwork and cartoons. Instead of getting all depressed about my situation back then I trusted God and tried not to worry. I used what I had been given back then and it provided for my future, producing life. 

There was a man who constantly worried. Whenever people met him in town he was worrying about money and the future, then one day they saw him all bouncy and smiling, it seemed as if he never had a care in the world. He was asked what had happened and he said that he had hired someone to do all his worrying for him. He said that he didn’t need to worry anymore. "That’s great," said his friends, "but how much does that cost?" He said it costs him $100 a day. $100 a day!! How on earth can you afford that they asked?  He said "No problem, that’s not my worry - that’s his problem." 

God has only given you grace for today and not for tomorrow, the sooner you get used to this idea the happier you will be. Learn to live a more carefree life savouring the moment casting all our cares upon the Lord.