Keep Close to Jesus

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* The cover photo is of my son Sean and grandson Luca, playing in the snow on Mount Taranaki, New Zealand.

“Your godly ones will thank you no matter what happens. For they choose and cherish your presence above everything else!” Psalms 140:13 TPT

The words; “They choose and cherish your presence above everything else,” is very profound.

These uncertain days in which we live, are getting out of control. Chaos seems to reign like never before. Just when you think that it couldn’t get any worse, it does. Maybe not so much for us here in New Zealand but definitely in other parts of the world where many of our friends and family are living.

As Christians we are concerned for what is happening and pray for God’s help, which is right, but we do need wisdom in knowing how to handle it all. If you are not careful the problems all around will soon weigh you down with care and you’ll become ineffective in your mission to help the needy.

I hear that counselors have the greatest tendency to ‘crash and burn’, because they are overwhelmed by the problems of the people they minister too day in and day out, and can’t seem to leave their work behind when they go home at night. Eventually they become ineffective, and the ones needing counsel.


We just had the privilege of having our son Sean, Lauren and their  three boys with us from Australia. There was a travel bubble open between the two countries but unfortunately NSW had an out break of Covid and the borders were shut the day after Sean left Sydney. They got out just in time but had trouble getting back again. They eventually got a return flight and instead of a 2 week holiday they had 3 weeks. Amazing how God works everything out for good.

While here, Sean and I managed a couple of prayer walks a day around the streets, parks and beaches of New Plymouth. We could share and talk in between our prayers and it was wonderful to have such fellowship together. Even though its great to have grandchildren, I couldn’t have the same level of fellowship with them that I had with Sean. They didn’t want to pray, they wanted to play. Even when I went for a walk with the boys they would be distracted very easily and at times it was like herding cats. A lot of time was spent in guidance and protecting them from their own tendency to hurt themselves and of course sibling rivalry. Funny that sounds like many Christians I’ve met today.

I felt the Lord say to me that He loves everyone, no matter what age,  maturity or level of obedience they are on. He loves them far more than I do, which isn’t that hard to understand. But He does enjoy having fellowship with His Children. Just as I enjoy having fellowship with Sean and my other son Adrian, so does He enjoy having fellowship with me. Often with small children your advice is regarded as a threat and communication is temporarily shut down. Their desire for things and pleasure is far greater than that of pleasing you. They don’t cherish your presence more than anything else. Like Esau they would rather choose a bowl of ice cream over that of their birthright. Short term pleasure is more important to them than that of any eternal value.


My son Sean however did enjoy my presence and loved walking and talking with me. When we had a problem we laid it at the feet of the Father and agreed in prayer for the answer.

As I said, God loves all His Children, but longs for maturity in us. He delights in fellowship, and knows this can only be possible when we get a revelation of His amazing love and His wonderful heart for us.

In these days of great trouble I believe He is finding it hard to find a son or daughter who values Him more that anything else. Even more than the problems that are so ‘in your face’ every day. Loving Him more than the concerns, fears and anxieties that are pulling at our heart strings from morning until night. I’m not saying that He wants us to bury our heads in the sand and ignore what is going on, but we need to find a position where we remain strong, reigning in life from the heavenlies. Keeping our eyes on Jesus who is our strength.


If we are not careful we can find ourselves sinking because we are more concerned with the problems around us than we are for Him. I think of Peter who was told to step out of the boat and walk to Jesus on the water. All went well as he kept his eyes on Jesus, but when he looked at the wind and the waves he sank. The Devil is trying to get us to keep looking at the problems all around us for he knows that when we do we will sink also.


The verse in Psalm 140:13 speaks of the value of His presence. We are to value it more than anything else. The trouble is we can be more concerned with losing the plot than we are with losing His presence.

Like Mary and Joseph the parents of Jesus, we can go 3 days without realising we have left Jesus behind somewhere. They were so busy with family and religious affairs they didn’t notice He wasn’t there anymore.   Luke 2:41-52

Jesus spoke to Peter after His resurrection and asked him the question. “Do you love me more than these?” He is still asking us the same question. “Do you love me?” “Do you love me more than anything?” “Do you love me more than your problems and all the cares of this life?” John 21:15-17


In our concern for all that’s happening around us we can lose sight of Jesus, just like His parents did. If we are not careful we will take our eyes off Him and begin to sink like Peter in a sea of troubles and care.

The bible warns us in Luke 21:34-36, to be careful that we don’t get over come with care as we approach the day of His return.

“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth. Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”

There needs to be a shift in our thinking to realise that Christ’s great desire is for our love and our company. This is what He died for. You are the joy of His heart. You are His inheritance. He actually likes you, in fact He loves you beyond any fickle human love there is on earth.


For many years I didn’t realise that Jesus valued fellowship with me. I treated Him like a slot machine, and all my relationship consisted of asking and receiving, begging and believing. I didn’t appreciate His presence. I was much like a child who always wanted things and didn’t appreciate their parents. The more He opened up my understanding to His great love and the value of His presence, I was able to shake off many of the problems that came my way. I began to  value something more than those ‘things,’ and that was to stay close to Him. To chase off those little foxes that came to spoil the vine. Until you have your eyes opened to see what is going on, you will allow this to happen to you.

The Lord is finding it difficult to find those who value Him above all that is going on in the world at this time. So may Christians are allowing themselves to be distracted by the cares of this life that are bombarding them every day. When was the last time you managed to get through the day and just enjoy the Lord, casting all your cares upon Him?

There are so many issues that I believe the Devil can use to rob the Lord of the fellowship that He longs to have with us. Lots of ‘Red Herrings’ are placed in our path that may seem ‘Good,’ but are they ‘God’?


Jesus ministered in a time when the Roman Empire ruled and they were very cruel. He didn’t attack their policies but only spoke what the Father told Him to say. Slavery was also prevalent in His time but He didn’t touch on the subject. It wasn’t that He didn’t care, but it wasn’t what the Father was wanting right then. He didn’t strain at a gnat and swallow a camel as many do today. We need to be careful with some of our views for we can end up being a false prophet, and if we are the Spirit will not entrust us with the Oracles of God.

One thing I believe is that the Father is still looking for ‘worshippers’ and He is finding it hard to find them now days. Putting our worship for Him first before anything else is highly prized by the Lord. It makes us attractive. It was said of Queen Esther.

“Now the king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favor and approval more than any of the other virgins.” Esther 2:17

The Lord loves all is children, but those who know who they are prepare themselves and keep themselves in His love and are attractive to the King. The Apostle John said that He was the disciple whom Jesus loved.

“One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him.” John 13:23

It’s not that Jesus loved John more than anyone else, its just that John knew His love. He valued it more than life, even His own life. He valued it more than the troubles and problems around Him. There was nothing He loved more than Jesus, and the reward was to know the love that passes all understanding. To know that He was loved. When you know this love you will want to spend time with Him, giving Him that which He loves.

In these uncertain days I can see how the Lord is longing to find those who will shine brightly in the darkness. Those who have covered themselves with jewels and made themselves attractive to Him like Esther. Wisdom is the principle thing and of all the things you desire nothing compares to it. It is above rubies.

“Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.” Proverbs 3:13-15


These are those Christians who do not let the cares of this life come before their love for the Lord. Even ‘Christian’ things can cause us to lose our way. The parents of Jesus were busy in fellowship with other Christians and doing religious things but they had lost Jesus in it all. With all the sad things that are happening around the world, keep Jesus in your focus. His promise to us is still valid even today so delight yourself in Him.

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4

The Devil is trying hard to deny the Lord that which He longs for, and that is our love. It is highly valued by Him. One of the problems of this hour is that the love of many will grow cold. The fire of passion can go out if you focus on the wrong things, and that can even be ‘good’ things. Not all that is good is God.


“Sin will be rampant everywhere and will cool the love of many. But those enduring to the end shall be saved.” Matthew 24:12-13

May you be one of those who value the Lord’s presence more than life, even your own life. May He find you attractive, covered in the jewels of wisdom. May you be able to keep your eyes on Him no matter what happens. Even if mountains are cast into the sea. May you walk on water in these uncertain times.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts.” Psalm 46:1-6
