They Hear My Voice


 People have asked me that hard question; "Where is the reality of God? How can I hear from Him? How do you know if it’s Him speaking to you or not? I read the word and nothing jumps out at me etc." Here are a few thoughts that I have put together. 

Hearing God is an ability that grows

 “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:12 


One thing you need to realise is this, that the ability to hear God's voice grows with time. It says in John chapter 10 that "MY SHEEP hear my voice" as opposed to "MY LAMBS". So it's indicating that the ability to hear God's voice comes with maturity. That doesn't mean that lambs can't hear their mother’s voice, it’s just that the more specific information is given to sheep rather than to lambs. A lamb can tell which is its mum’s voice in the midst of 100s of sheep, even though one “baa” sounds just like another. (Coming from a nation with 1000s of sheep this has always amazed me.) But more specific instructions come from the Shepherd to Sheep.


From this we see, that we need to grow in our ability to hear.

God is speaking to us through creation

 Romans 1:20 tells us that everyone has been given the ability to hear from God, and has no excuse - even Heathens have this ability too.

 “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Romans 1:20

 The word says that all of creation is declaring His voice each and every day, and our consciences also give out some signals as well. The problem is, in this day and age its hard to hear God above all the clatter and pull of the world. The bible says that in the last days perilous days shall come and there will be a time of Great Temptation that shall come on the face of all the earth. I believe we are in this time now, because of the increase in knowledge and the world becoming a global village. With the saturation of media, and amazing computer technology, there are so many voices swirling around us seeking for our attention 24/7. So many options, so many alternatives and so many Religions all pulling on our heart strings. Voices that are saying, "This is the way," so we really need to hear the voice of the Shepherd above the media flood.


 Wash yourself in God’ living word

 Personally the only way I know of getting it right more often is to constantly read the Word of God. Even if you don't understand it all that well and aren't that clever, the word is like soap that washes you and cleans off all the dirt and dust we pick up each day.  I am not all that clever, but I do have the spiritual sense to desire the milk of the word daily, like a baby - that I might grow.

 “As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby,” 1 Peter 2:2 

If you are not growing then you are not feeding on the word enough. I am not saying that you need to read heaps of chapters every day, but may I suggest that you think on the same scriptures a lot. Write appropriate verses on a piece of card and keep them in your pocket and bring them out to meditate on often.

I am not knowledgeable enough to go into a debate with the big brains, but I have learnt to know His voice a little in the "Yes - No" department. "Do I do this - Yes or No?" The more I do it the 'better-er' I get. At first I may get it wrong, but God sees my keenness and begins to make me stronger, working all things out for my good. As you do it more the fog clears and you don't need those big 'signs' anymore for direction. "Lord if you want me to go, cause the rain to stop," type of thing. You just know it in your heart what is of Him and what isn't. It's not a different voice to yours either. God's voice in you isn't a deep voice that speaks in the Kings James English. It's not a high squeaky voice for girls either. It’s actually like you. He's in you, blended with you. "He that is joined to Christ has become one spirit". He thinks through you and speaks through you and wants to put the word in your mouth. If God wants to speak to someone near you, He uses you as His  mouth, hands and feet.

 Protect your emotions to hear from God a lot better

 Another thing to consider is the desires of your heart and their influence over your ability to hear from God.


 “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4:23

If we have too much going on in us, then it clogs up the system. I like coffee, but if I have too much of it, it makes me all nervy and even depressed. I end up ‘skipping to the loo my darling’, as the ditty goes.  I can be taken up by it, but also dropped down flat later, sort of like a hangover. It's too much of a good thing that crowds out the voice of God. It's the same with video games. If you do it too much then your mind is filled with graphic visions that make it hard to hear from God afterwards. Have you tried praying and reading the word after you've blown up a few bodies and vaporised an alien monster in a game? The image has taken over your thoughts. It's not that video games are wrong; it’s just that it has to be done in moderation and especially not before you read your bible, if you want Him to speak to you.

 God speaks through circumstances

 The circumstances of life are also a very good way of hearing from God, like losing a girlfriend for example. Maybe she is not the right one for you. Always remember God knows what is best for you and maybe protecting your future.

 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 

He works everything out for our good and upholds all things by His powerful word. He is speaking to you through all your circumstances. He's not saying that you will remain 'babe-less' for the rest of your life, but He is saying that she is not right for you – just now. What you have to do is praise Him, even though it hurts. Your low self-esteem though is crying out, "You're a loser," but God is saying in His word that He loves you and will work all things out for your good. Romans 8:28. He won't fail you, but be patient. If you knew how to really quiet your heart, you’d hear Him say how much He loves you. The bible says that God has carved your name as a  tattoo on the palms of His hands.


 Speaking in Tongues helps you hear His voice

 Going for a walk and speaking in tongues under your breath also helps. It's like reading the word, as it’s also a language and can clean your soul. It’s like a stream of water washing over your emotions that comes out of your inner most being. Tongues are also the words of God, even though you don't understand them.

"with stammering lips and another tongue WILL GOD SPEAK to His people." Isaiah 28:11

 Tongues are God’s Spirit speaking to your spirit, in mysteries. After praying in tongues for a while, go away and read the word and pray, asking God for wisdom.

 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt…”  James 1:6-8

Be patient as you wait to hear from God

 If it doesn't happen the first time, do it again. Don't be impatient. It's like the rich lady who rang the theatre and asked the cleaner if he had found her diamond necklace. He told her to wait while as he went and had a look. She got tired of waiting after a few minutes, so hung up. He came back a few minutes later with her necklace, but she had gone, and he didn't know her number.


 “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise:” Hebrews 10:35

 So often we want instant answers, in this instant generation, but sometimes God wants us to wait for the answers, which can come in many different ways. It’s good for us to wait. Jeremiah asked God for some information in Jeremiah 42, and had to wait 10 days for the reply, and he was a prophet.

 God often just gives an answer of peace

 uI have found that the best way to know the right answer is a deep peace in my heart about what I should do. No voices, just peace about what I am doing.

 "Let the peace of God be your referee," Colossians 3:15. 

Sometimes you can trick yourself into thinking you have peace, because you want something so badly, so it’ always best to sleep on it and ask again the next day.



What I have always learnt is, that if God ever says NO, He's not being a ‘Party Poo-per’, but always planning something better for us. If He shuts one door He will always open up another. Thank Him by faith; believing it will still work out for your good even if your mind is screaming out that you are a loser.

 “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,” Ephesians 3:20.