Redeem the Time

For the last couple of weeks I have been on a partial fast, which I finished last night for my birthday. I call it a ‘Hotter Fast’ because I still had soups and the odd piece of bread, coffee and tea. I also had communion every day with a biscuit and grape juice.

I do believe there is always a reward with fasting for Jesus said not to make our fasting  obvious before men because if we do we will lose our reward.

“But when you fast, put on festive clothing, so that no one will suspect you are hungry, except your Father who knows every secret. And he will reward you.” Matthew 6:17-18

I always find it amazing how God gives me creative ideas when I fast and ways to make my life better.

The biggest change for me has been in the whole area of “Redeeming the Time for the days are evil.” The New Living Bible says.

“Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.” Ephesians 5:16

We are living in evil times and need to make every opportunity to feed ourselves the good stuff otherwise we will drown in a tsunami of unbelief. Fasting makes us more aware of God’s Voice and what He is trying to tell us.

Here in New Zealand there was a sale of ‘Echo Dots’ for $25 each over the Christmas period and I felt I should get one for Bernice and I and learn how to use them.

Spotify also offered me 3 months premium for $15 which was really cheap. I found bible podcasts on Spotify that are really great for listening too as you go to sleep. The one I liked the most was ‘Bible Sleep’ by Ken Matey and has soft music playing in the back ground as the word is spoken. You can shuffle the chapters and also tell Alexa to skip one that you don’t want. I would go to sleep listening to the word and wake up to the word.

The advantage of this is shown to us in the word.

Ephesians 5:26 tells us that we are cleansed "with the washing of water by the word." There are things that will be cleansed — things in our minds, things that deal with conduct, things that have to do with character and attitude — that are cleansed by the word of God. The word "water" here is symbolic, referring to the Word of God, as well as to the Holy Spirit. 

It’s funny how you pick up things as you listen to the bible being read aloud as opposed to reading it by yourself. Another advantage of getting more of the word into you is that it builds up your faith. 

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17  

As you soak yourself in the word of God it builds up your faith to where you believe that anything is possible with God. If He can cause a donkey to talk and raise Lazarus from the dead after 4 days then what can’t He do for you and I? Besides all that, faith pleases God so lets build it up. If faith can come, then it can also go if your word level drops and that is very possible in these busy days. 

If you don’t have Spotify you can link up your  “Alexa’ to the ‘You Bible’ App on your phone and virtually listen to any verse in the bible. You can have a male or female voice and 5 different versions. English Standard, New living Bible, The New International Version, King James, and the Message. You can also have a piano background or the sound of rain. 

“Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4 

Jesus said that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word the proceeds from the mouth of God. If we really want to live then we need more of His word in our lives. 

I love the whole idea that life can be imparted through ‘voice activation’. It ties up with this verse in Proverbs. 

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

With Alexa we can with the power of our voice turn the lights on and off. Dim them to 5% or increase them to 100% and turn appliances on. 

Another blessing with this amazing device is that you can listen to Christian Radio through the ‘iheart radio app’ even if the reception is poor in your area. Being connected to the internet allows you listen to stations from all around the world. I am enjoying the ‘UP’ Christian Station in Spokane Canada, which doesn’t have any adverts. We also have Radio Rhema, Star and Life FM here in New Zealand with messages, music and local news. All I have to do is say “Alexa Star Radio,” and on it comes.

 On the month building up to Christmas, we were blessed with Christmas messages and Carols 24/7, like never before through Rhema Media. It has made me so much more aware of the wonder of God’s plan to save the world through Jesus. What a wonderful Saviour. 

As I have mentioned often, we are now in the ‘End Times’ and in these days it says that  ‘knowledge would increase,’ Daniel 12:4 KJV. It says that there would be ‘wonders’ on the earth and in the heavens before the 2nd Coming. Joel 2:28-32 What we see today in everyday life is amazing yet we take it all for granted, not realising that they are all major signs of the Lord’s soon return.  

Let’s not hide our heads in the sand and bury our talent but take advantage of these wonders and use them to become stronger in the Lord. The bible says that “to him who has, more will be given”, so lets use to our advantage what has already been given us and believe for more.

It does say in Luke 16:8 that the ‘Children of Darkness’ can be wiser than the ‘Children of Light,’ so let’s be switched on and not ignorant to all God has given given to us. There is really no excuse for a Christian in these days to say they didn’t have access to the word. (Unless you are in a Muslim country or don’t have the internet.) I have found that even those in Pakistan still have access to mobile phones and the internet. If you have that then you can get bible programs on your phone. There has never been a generation with such an advantage as us today. 

I have had folk in my congregations over the years who have trouble reading but even that is no excuse for we have tapes, CDs, mp3s and many other ways to listen to the word now days. God will always supply our needs if we ask Him and we desperately need the word in order to live a victorious life today.