Recieve your Inheritance

“And since we are his true children, we qualify to share all his treasures, for indeed, we are heirs of God himself. And since we are joined to Christ, we also inherit all that he is and all that he has. We will experience being co-glorified with him provided that we accept his sufferings as our own.” Romans 8:17

I find this verse so amazing, in that through God’s grace we have been given all that Christ is and all that He has. This blessing isn’t attained through any of our self effort, but by believing in all that Christ did for us on the cross. Notice that Christ has given to us all that He has. All that Christ has been given is now given to us as well, which is beyond comprehension. And if that is not amazing enough, He has also  given us all that He is!! This is far above what we could ever dream up or imagine. This is expressed in Ephesians 3:20.

“Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.” Ephesians 3:20

This truth is also confirmed in other verses found in John 17 and Colossians 2. God’s grace is absolutely amazing.

For the very glory you have given to me I have given them,so that they will be joined together as one,and experience the same unity that we enjoy. You live fully in me and now I live fully in them,so that they will experience perfect unity, and the world will be convinced that you have sent me,,for they will see that you love each one of them,with the same passionate love that you have for me.

So you have everything when you have Christ, and you are filled with God through your union with Christ. He is the highest Ruler, with authority over every other power.” Colossians 2:10

Lets first look at how we have been given (or inherited) as His children all that He has. It’s like someone who achieved a great sporting feat and became world famous for it after breaking all the world records. If it were at the Olympics, they would do it for their country and then receive great honour for the achievement. You would be invited to speak at special functions, and partake in celebrity game shows as all part of the reward. Not only that you would receive money from franchises and endorsements even long after winning the event and you wouldn’t have to do anything more to receive these blessings, but just be you.

Its also like a having very rich Uncle who died and left you all of his riches and a castle to you because you were his only remaining relation. No self effort is required for you to obtain this inheritance. All your need is proof that you are the heir and then its handed over to you. You received all that He had for nothing.

In the same way Jesus defeated Satan on the cross and was then given great honour, authority and power by His Heavenly Father. It wasn’t just for His country either that He did all this, but for the whole world.  Because we believe that we are now His son’s and daughters and were in Him when He died on the cross, this reward is made available to us. It means that all that He received for His victory we now receive too. We don’t have to do anything about it except believe that it all happened on our behalf. Its all given to us through His amazing grace. We can’t earn it, all we have to do is believe it’s true and enjoy the fruits of all His labour.

If that’s not amazing enough, He has also given us all that He is. We are given Him. I could receive a castle from my dead Uncle but I don’t have him. But with Christ I receive His inheritance, and Him as well. Whenever we partake of communion we are reminded that He has given us His body. In fact we are baptised into His body and all become part of Him. We have been given all that is in His body. His nature, His health. His power, His Spirit and all the fruits of His Spirit, for those who are joined to Him become one Spirit with Him.

As far as the Father is concerned its as if we did it, for we were in Christ, co-crucified with Him when He died on the cross. As it says in Romans 8:17 we can’t partake of His glory unless we accept His sufferings as our own. If we take them as our own, then we will also own His glory.

It’s as if we too were beaten and crucified and now our debt has been paid in full, so now we can receive God’s favour as if we had done it. You were in Him when all these things happened just as you were in Adam when he originally sinned. All the human race was in Adam in the beginning, so when he sinned the consequences of that sin was passed onto all men. We reaped a harvest even though you weren’t there. In the same way by faith you were in Christ when He obeyed and was crucified and in believing you reap a harvest of blessing, for you were raised with Him and then were glorified with Him. Believe it.

It just seems too fantastic to believe but we are dealing with an amazing extravagant God who loves us beyond our comprehension.

“He spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all; how shall he not with him freely give us all things?” Romans 8:32