The Wave of the Spirit

There is a place in God where you can ride the wave of the Spirit, very much like the art of surfing. There is nothing like being driven along by the power of God and not your own strength. This is why surfers love surfing; it’s the exhilaration of riding something bigger and more powerful than yourself. Its clean, natural and close to nature. I like to think of it as a ‘sweet spot’ in God, not that easy to achieve. Unfortunately some Christians in the spiritual never get to that place, and mess around in the shallows all their lives.

A surfer knows that you need to go ‘out the back’ beyond the whitewater in order to catch the big waves. So is it in the Spirit, you need to go further out in God to have this experience. If you stay in the shallows you will be pushed about, and it can be dangerous.

I believe the Lord is calling out a people to go further out in God. Just like it is described in Ezekiel 47 where we are encouraged to go beyond the shallows out into the river of God, over your head, driven by the flow.

 “But now it was a river that I could not cross, because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in—a river that no one could cross.” Ezekiel 47:5

We need to leave our ‘comfort zones’ and get out the back where the big waves of the Spirit are. Oh the joy of being driven along, knowing that this is from God. Unfortunately it doesn’t last forever, the ride ends and you have to get out the back once more. Maybe this time you will catch a bigger wave than last time.

Once you have been there in God, you will never be the same again. You become addicted, always trying to find a bigger, longer more exciting ride. You will find that some days its easy and other days its hard. In fact some days you cant do it at all.

The Lord is calling His Church to come out of her comfort zone for the ride of their lives. To do this you need to tap into His strength and not our own which is all about ‘knowing’ God.

Get out of your comfort zone leaving all your baggage behind. You can’t take your lunch out there with you, for instance, or your mobile phone, for its requires all or nothing. You can’t ‘sight see’ while riding a wave for it requires your full attention, you do that while you wait. You need to be concentrated on the ‘face’ of the wave and one false move could cost you the ride.

The word of God is our board and it requires wisdom to know how to use it. I find that many Christians never get to this place in God because they are carrying too much baggage, for you need to strip off every weight in order to ride this wave.

“Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,” Hebrews 12:1

We can be carrying baggage like grudges, fears, views and other interests that are grieving the Spirit. Our full attention needs to be on the ‘face,’ - His face. You can always tell where a person’s heart is by what comes out of their mouths. In these days the Spirit wants a people to fall in love with Jesus, for the Bride to get herself ready. The Bride is the one that is close to His face. She’s like the Apostle John who leaned his head on the chest of Jesus, just below His face. She’s not content to be far down the supply chain. Jesus is her everything, her all, her strength and her life.