
The Life Giving Way

The Life Giving Way

To walk in this ‘fresh new life giving way’ there needs to be a radical shift in our thinking. We need to stop trusting in our own righteousness and self-effort and put our complete trust in that which Christ has achieved for us already on the cross. Its only then that we can receive His gift of righteousness and truly enter His Rest.

Keep Close to Jesus

Keep Close to Jesus

As Christians we are concerned for what is happening all around us and we pray for God’s help, which is right, but we do need wisdom in knowing how to handle it all. If you are not careful the problems all around will soon weigh you down with care and you’ll become ineffective in your mission to help the needy.

The Suddenlies of God

The Suddenlies of God

Elisha knew the season, he knew something was up, and that there was a change coming, so he seized the opportunity, and made the necessary adjustments. He could have turned back on numerous occasions but determined in his heart that he would be blessed. He had travelled so far and couldn’t turn back now. He had paid the price and was abundantly blessed! He had served Elijah faithfully staying close to him and was in the right place at the right time and got blessing with one of God’s ‘suddenlies’.

The God of Much More

The God of Much More

Psalm 23 show us the heart of our loving Heavenly Father. He is a generous, extravagant loving God who constantly overflows our cups with blessing. Verse 4 says that our cups run over. He is the God of the much more, the overflow, the far above. He doesn’t just give us more, but much more. Not just above, but far above. Not just flowing but overflowing. Not just abundant, but exceedingly abundant. Not just life but an abundant life.