
Will there be a Super Generation?

Will there be a Super Generation?

God is preparing a "Super Generation of People" in these End Times and all of creation is longing to see them manifest.

“The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters! “ Romans 8:19 The Passion

These people are ‘AKA’ the, ‘End Time Elijah’s’ mentioned in Malachi Chapter 4, the ‘Bride’ in Revelation 19, God’s ‘Mighty Men’ in Joel 2 and 3 and a ‘Great Army’ raised from the dust in Ezekiel Chapter 37.

The Suddenlies of God

The Suddenlies of God

Elisha knew the season, he knew something was up, and that there was a change coming, so he seized the opportunity, and made the necessary adjustments. He could have turned back on numerous occasions but determined in his heart that he would be blessed. He had travelled so far and couldn’t turn back now. He had paid the price and was abundantly blessed! He had served Elijah faithfully staying close to him and was in the right place at the right time and got blessing with one of God’s ‘suddenlies’.

I Can Not Come Down

I Can Not Come Down

The walls of God’s city have lain waste for centuries and God wants them to be rebuilt again. He has placed prophetic workers on the walls of the His Church for this very purpose. Some of the workers are ‘hands on’ and others are more involved in the spiritual side of things, like prophecy, intercession and encouragement. The trouble is there are more ‘hands on’ than there are the ‘prophetic,’ so the enemy is able to hinder the work.