super generation

Will there be a Super Generation?

Will there be a Super Generation?

God is preparing a "Super Generation of People" in these End Times and all of creation is longing to see them manifest.

“The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters! “ Romans 8:19 The Passion

These people are ‘AKA’ the, ‘End Time Elijah’s’ mentioned in Malachi Chapter 4, the ‘Bride’ in Revelation 19, God’s ‘Mighty Men’ in Joel 2 and 3 and a ‘Great Army’ raised from the dust in Ezekiel Chapter 37.

New Creatures in Christ

New Creatures in Christ

While on one of my walks last week around the large rugby fields at the Vogeltown Park. I was thinking about how we are new creatures in Christ, when a monarch butterfly came and landed at my feet on the grass. It had no need to be there as there were no flowers, just freshly mown grass. I felt this was one of those signs, ‘kiaros’ moments, where the Spirit was trying to tell me something.