
God is Working in You

God is Working in You

In a daily reading by Bob Gass, I recently read of how God wants to change us. The message said that God doesn’t want to change our personality but rather change our character, as He’s not looking to produce clones.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who i have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.” Romans 8:28-29

I Can Not Come Down

I Can Not Come Down

The walls of God’s city have lain waste for centuries and God wants them to be rebuilt again. He has placed prophetic workers on the walls of the His Church for this very purpose. Some of the workers are ‘hands on’ and others are more involved in the spiritual side of things, like prophecy, intercession and encouragement. The trouble is there are more ‘hands on’ than there are the ‘prophetic,’ so the enemy is able to hinder the work.

The God of Much More

The God of Much More

Psalm 23 show us the heart of our loving Heavenly Father. He is a generous, extravagant loving God who constantly overflows our cups with blessing. Verse 4 says that our cups run over. He is the God of the much more, the overflow, the far above. He doesn’t just give us more, but much more. Not just above, but far above. Not just flowing but overflowing. Not just abundant, but exceedingly abundant. Not just life but an abundant life.



There’s a big lesson here for us Christians. Through a lack of understanding we can be seeking for something that we have already. It’s one of the Devil’s favourite ploys. In the beginning Satan told Eve that she didn’t have what it takes and needed to eat the forbidden fruit in order to be enlightened. It was a lie, for she already had everything she needed. Her ignorance cost her and Adam dearly. Those words are still whispered in our ears today, “You don’t have what it takes.” and our unbelief is hindering our growth in the Lord.

You can Overcome

You can Overcome

We all know about the Wright Brothers - two bicycle mechanics— who pioneered the first air plane flight. Yet Dr. Samuel P Langley, a brilliant scientist who'd written volumes on the subject, was expected to do it before them. However, when Langley tried to fly his first plane, it crashed and the press labelled it "a ridiculous fiasco.' But he ignored their criticism and stayed at it. Two months later when he tried again, the plane plunged upside-down into a river, and the pilot almost drowned. This time the New York Times labelled it "Langley's Folly," and said he should give up. Langley did! Unable to bounce back, he gave up his life's dream without ever seeing one of his planes in the air. Nine days later, Orville and Wilbur Wright, with no education and no funds, flew their plane, 'Flyer One', over the sands of Kittyhawk and into the history books. Sadly, while most of the world today has heard of the Wright Brothers, Langley is almost unknown.