
The 7th Time: Revised

The 7th Time: Revised

I believe this message on the 7th Time will be a ‘life changer’ for those who are serious with God. We all know that the Lord wants us to give Him our everything. He wants to conquer us, in order to bless us.

It’s interesting to note that King David used to get up and pray in the night for no other reason than that of praising God for His word. I want to start this message by showing you this verse in Psalm 119:164. “Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws.” Psalm 119:164

Life is a Beach

Life is a Beach

I love to go for ‘Praise Walks’ at various places near my home in New Plymouth. One of my favourites is to walk along a long sandy beach, and I want to share some thoughts with you about the experience.

Here is a video to help you practice God Presence:

You can Overcome

You can Overcome

We all know about the Wright Brothers - two bicycle mechanics— who pioneered the first air plane flight. Yet Dr. Samuel P Langley, a brilliant scientist who'd written volumes on the subject, was expected to do it before them. However, when Langley tried to fly his first plane, it crashed and the press labelled it "a ridiculous fiasco.' But he ignored their criticism and stayed at it. Two months later when he tried again, the plane plunged upside-down into a river, and the pilot almost drowned. This time the New York Times labelled it "Langley's Folly," and said he should give up. Langley did! Unable to bounce back, he gave up his life's dream without ever seeing one of his planes in the air. Nine days later, Orville and Wilbur Wright, with no education and no funds, flew their plane, 'Flyer One', over the sands of Kittyhawk and into the history books. Sadly, while most of the world today has heard of the Wright Brothers, Langley is almost unknown.

Rejoice in the Lord: Part 4

Rejoice in the Lord: Part 4

In the Old Testament the Children of God really use to celebrate after they had a major victory. There really was a big party after they saw the Egyptians drowned in the Red Sea, for instance.

They sang songs then, which we still sing today. “I will sing unto the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously..” Yet within 3 verses they were moaning and complaining against Moses. He soon got that problem sorted for them but within another 3 verses they were doing it all over again. Their rejoicing was short lived and completely dependent upon their circumstances. When things were going their way they were happy but when things went wrong they moaned again and it happened like this time and time again.

The Power of Praise: Part 3

The Power of Praise: Part 3

God is crystal clear on the issue of being thankful: we are all called to be thanks-givers. Who? You! When? In all circumstances! Why? Because it's God's will for you! Whatever else you may be confused about concerning God's will, this part is clear. It's not a suggestion - it's a commandment.