
The Bride of Christ: Get Yourself Ready

The Bride of Christ: Get Yourself Ready

I am adapting a message previously written on the Bride of Christ, because of the amazing response I had after posting a video of it on YouTube. I am still getting hits every day and am over 500 in just two weeks.

I decided to post this message in video format also just three days ago, and have had 190 hits already. There seems to be a great interest in the subject. Maybe the Spirit of God is now urgently calling His Church (The Bride) to get herself ready for time is running out. I don’t profess to have the only revelation there is on the subject.

You can Overcome

You can Overcome

We all know about the Wright Brothers - two bicycle mechanics— who pioneered the first air plane flight. Yet Dr. Samuel P Langley, a brilliant scientist who'd written volumes on the subject, was expected to do it before them. However, when Langley tried to fly his first plane, it crashed and the press labelled it "a ridiculous fiasco.' But he ignored their criticism and stayed at it. Two months later when he tried again, the plane plunged upside-down into a river, and the pilot almost drowned. This time the New York Times labelled it "Langley's Folly," and said he should give up. Langley did! Unable to bounce back, he gave up his life's dream without ever seeing one of his planes in the air. Nine days later, Orville and Wilbur Wright, with no education and no funds, flew their plane, 'Flyer One', over the sands of Kittyhawk and into the history books. Sadly, while most of the world today has heard of the Wright Brothers, Langley is almost unknown.

Checklist for the End Times

Checklist for the End Times

In 1 Peter 4:7-11 we have a list of instructions for those who find themselves in the ‘End Times.’ It’s like a set of instructions given before you fly on a plane or if you live in an Earthquake or Tsunami danger zone. This list is given so that you might be prepared for what could lie ahead.

Practicing His Presence - Part 1

Practicing His Presence  - Part 1

It was King David who wrote most of the psalms and his son Solomon who wrote the Song of Songs and the proverbs. It says in 1 Kings 4:32 that along with Solomon’s proverbs he also wrote 1005 songs. Unfortunately, the Song of Songs is the only one we still have with us. Both Psalms and the Song are rich in describing the glorious attributes of God. Both David and Solomon noticed the beauty of the Lord in all their walk of life and not just in the Temple services. We see this in their writings. King David said that he wanted to dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of his life. What did he mean? Did he want to stay inside the Temple every day, all day? I don’t think so. What he was saying was that he wanted to dwell in God’s presence every day of his life – all day. He wanted to be conscious of God’s presence not just in the Temple but all day long. He also said.

“I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” Psalm 16:6 KJV “I am always thinking of the Lord.” Psalm 16:6 The Living Bible