Stones of fire ministries

The Fifth Gospel

The Fifth Gospel

When the Apostle Paul was saved on the Damascus Road, God separated him from everyone else. Paul found something different to the other disciples, for he’d caught on to a revelation they hadn’t seen. It was the 5th Gospel.

Your Love is better than Wine

Your Love is better than Wine

Some of my Christian friends wonder why I don’t drink wine anymore, especially as I used too. I find it hard to explain, without sounding all super spiritual. It’s not because I think it’s evil and God would be displeased with me if I did, but I have found something far better that increases my intimacy with the Lord. It also energises me and doesn't make me feel sleepy like wine used too, and I don’t have to worry about driving a car afterwards either.

Knowing Christ within

Knowing Christ within

I have been exploring again the whole area of faith as I believe we need to remind ourselves often of how important faith is. Paul says that without faith it is impossible to please God. I want to be pleasing to God, don’t you?

“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11:6

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come

We are all familiar with this prayer, for it’s part of the Lord’s Prayer. The trouble is many Christians just say it by rout and are not even sure what they are really praying about. Do you realise that you are actually asking God to send Heaven down here to the earth? We often ask for love, joy and peace to be here on earth, especially at Christmas time for we sing carols about our desire for “Peace on earth.’ It’s also God’s will that He send victory and healing here on earth. Heaven is full of healing and victory as well as love, joy and peace.

It's Time to Arise

It's Time to Arise

This photo below is one that I took the other evening as I was walking through the bush near my home. It was getting dark, but a beam of light was streaming through a hole in the trees and made a pool of light on the bank next to my path. As I walked past it, my shadow appeared in the light. I had just been declaring that the Church would arise according to Isaiah 60:1-3 and shine in these last days when darkness covered the earth. I believe this was a sign that my prayers were on track and God knew my every thought.