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Signs of His Coming: Part 5

Signs of His Coming: Part 5

In my last message we looked at how the increase of knowledge is a major sign of the Lord’s imminent return. It is the sign that heralds the beginning of the End Times. This increase of knowledge is not just in the secular realm but in the spiritual realm as well. In fact its because of the world being enlightened spiritually that man has become more inventive, hence the increase of knowledge.

Signs of His Coming: Part 4

Signs of His Coming: Part 4

There are 3 points that I want to bring out from this prophetic word by Daniel, that show us that we are at the Time of the End. They are: ‘That Men will Run, go to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.’

The One Thing Missing

The One Thing Missing

The bible says that it’s the little foxes that spoil the vine. In our walk with God this principle applies big time. That one thing can ruin everything. You can have all the world’s goods and miss out on the most important thing. It may seem little and of no consequence in the eyes of the world but without Jesus your whole life is pointless. He is the missing ingredient.

The Dew of the Night

The Dew of the Night

I have discovered something that has really revolutionized my Christian life - waiting on God for His dew in the middle of the night. It's been a game changer for me.

The 7th Time: Revised

The 7th Time: Revised

I believe this message on the 7th Time will be a ‘life changer’ for those who are serious with God. We all know that the Lord wants us to give Him our everything. He wants to conquer us, in order to bless us.

It’s interesting to note that King David used to get up and pray in the night for no other reason than that of praising God for His word. I want to start this message by showing you this verse in Psalm 119:164. “Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws.” Psalm 119:164