
The God of Much More

The God of Much More

Psalm 23 show us the heart of our loving Heavenly Father. He is a generous, extravagant loving God who constantly overflows our cups with blessing. Verse 4 says that our cups run over. He is the God of the much more, the overflow, the far above. He doesn’t just give us more, but much more. Not just above, but far above. Not just flowing but overflowing. Not just abundant, but exceedingly abundant. Not just life but an abundant life.



There’s a big lesson here for us Christians. Through a lack of understanding we can be seeking for something that we have already. It’s one of the Devil’s favourite ploys. In the beginning Satan told Eve that she didn’t have what it takes and needed to eat the forbidden fruit in order to be enlightened. It was a lie, for she already had everything she needed. Her ignorance cost her and Adam dearly. Those words are still whispered in our ears today, “You don’t have what it takes.” and our unbelief is hindering our growth in the Lord.

You've Already got it: By Andrew Wommack

You've Already got it: By Andrew Wommack

Watching a dog run in circles chasing its own tail can be pretty amusing. Round and round the puppy will go, trying to catch something that it already has. Unfortunately, this is also a picture of the average Christian: chasing after something they already have. You might be thinking, “What do l already have”? You have everything. God has already given us everything we need. Whatever you are currently asking God to give you, has already been provided. You don’t need to get God to heal, save, deliver, or prosper you, or to give you joy and peace. All of those things have already been supplied.

You already have it

You already have it

When God visited Moses at the burning bush, He asked Moses to deliver the Children of Israel from their bondage in Egypt, but Moses replied that he didn’t have what it takes. He implied that he didn’t have it in him.

God then went on to say to Moses, “what is that in your hand?” Moses was holding a staff and God said that with this staff he would be able to do miracles and deliver Israel from their slavery. Moses continued to argue with God that he wouldn’t be able to do it, not realising that he already had the power, and it was close at hand. It was in his hands, so to speak. Funny but this sounds very familiar in relation to us Christians today. Moses told God to send someone else which is often how we think too. “Send the Pastor Lord, as he is equipped and I’m not.”

Greater than John the Baptist

Greater than John the Baptist

“Verily I say unto you. Among them born of a women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” Matthew 11:7-15

This is an amazing scripture. What on earth does it mean? When I first read it years ago I just couldn’t get my head around it. How could it be that we are greater than John the Baptist? Surely there is a mistake. Jesus in the previous verses had just spoken highly of John and said that there was no person born of woman that was greater than John the Baptist - He was the greatest prophet that had ever lived. And yet Jesus said even the least in the kingdom was greater than he.??