Elisha and Elijah

The Suddenlies of God

The Suddenlies of God

Elisha knew the season, he knew something was up, and that there was a change coming, so he seized the opportunity, and made the necessary adjustments. He could have turned back on numerous occasions but determined in his heart that he would be blessed. He had travelled so far and couldn’t turn back now. He had paid the price and was abundantly blessed! He had served Elijah faithfully staying close to him and was in the right place at the right time and got blessing with one of God’s ‘suddenlies’.

The Double Portion

The Double Portion

The Double portion has always intrigued me. It’s mentioned in the bible and why would you not want it? It sounds great and isn’t two better than one? The firstborn blessing was given to the first born son in the Old Testament. It originated from the blessings of Abraham being passed onto Isaac, then from Isaac to Jacob. Jacob was not the first born but saw the potential of such a blessing and stole it from Esau. It seems that this double portion blessing was then established in the Tribes of Israel.