
Finding True Riches

Finding True Riches

Once while walking on a field I spotted a small plastic bank bag ahead of me on the ground that appeared to be full of money. I dived upon it thinking God had answered my prayer, as I was a bit broke at the time. On examination I found that it was only filled with sheets from a Gideon’s Bible. I threw it away in disgust, to immediately come under great conviction from the Holy Spirit. I felt God say that I needed these words more than money. Read on to find out more.

The Entrance of your Word 2

The Entrance of your Word 2

PART TWO I have found over the years that we are confronted by constant situations where we have to make a choice between ‘fact’ and ’truth,’ and need to decide which of these is more true? The carnal mind always gravitates toward fact. ”Well this is what I see and how I feel.” The Spirit always gravitates towards biblical truth. “But this is what the bible says.” The fact was that my mind was shot and I had the evidence to prove it, but the truth of the word said. “I have the mind of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 2:16 “The memory of the righteous is blessed.” Proverbs 10:7

The Entrance of your Word 1

The Entrance of your Word 1

This is my journey of faith that led me to a personal revival. It’s taken me a long time to journey out of darkness into light and I want to share this with you so that maybe you won’t take so long to get there. I realised that the answer had a lot to do with my thought life and this verse immediately comes to mind

“The entrance of your word brings light.” Psalm 119:130