
Finding True Riches

Finding True Riches

Once while walking on a field I spotted a small plastic bank bag ahead of me on the ground that appeared to be full of money. I dived upon it thinking God had answered my prayer, as I was a bit broke at the time. On examination I found that it was only filled with sheets from a Gideon’s Bible. I threw it away in disgust, to immediately come under great conviction from the Holy Spirit. I felt God say that I needed these words more than money. Read on to find out more.

He will become your Gold

He will become your Gold

Job Chapter 22:21-30 1. “Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you.”

We need to stop fighting with God and so be at peace. Trust Him for your future no matter how difficult the assignment, for He promises prosperity for the future and delights in all His children. When I went back to Zimbabwe then I had no money or job to go back too for I had given up my post as a pastor in Mutare. There is no benefit in Zimbabwe either, so if you have no money you can’t just depend on the government for help. God came through for us with jobs at a Christian School and also gave me itinerant preaching on the weekends and we were also given a car. On top of that I had a visitation from God which ignited a fire in my heart. When you risk your all for God, He will never let you down. Again and again the Lord keeps coming through for me still, and He will for you too. He is the God of 2nd chances, 3rd chances and beyond.