
Come into my Garden

Come into my Garden

The Holy Spirit wants us to comprehend that there is a lot more going on within us than we dare to realise. Jesus made the statement that the Kingdom of God was within us, Luke 17:21, which is food for thought. It’s more than just a thought, it’s a feast. Does this mean that Heaven is inside us?

The Entrance of your Word 2

The Entrance of your Word 2

PART TWO I have found over the years that we are confronted by constant situations where we have to make a choice between ‘fact’ and ’truth,’ and need to decide which of these is more true? The carnal mind always gravitates toward fact. ”Well this is what I see and how I feel.” The Spirit always gravitates towards biblical truth. “But this is what the bible says.” The fact was that my mind was shot and I had the evidence to prove it, but the truth of the word said. “I have the mind of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 2:16 “The memory of the righteous is blessed.” Proverbs 10:7