
Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart

I have often used the illustration of my spiritual walk being like knitting a jersey and someone was also pulling the thread from the other end, so that I was getting nowhere. Praise God that is not the case anymore, for I have found, what the main source of the problem was. I feel that what I am about to share is very important and life changing, especially for those in ministry.

Come into my Garden

Come into my Garden

The Holy Spirit wants us to comprehend that there is a lot more going on within us than we dare to realise. Jesus made the statement that the Kingdom of God was within us, Luke 17:21, which is food for thought. It’s more than just a thought, it’s a feast. Does this mean that Heaven is inside us?

The most valuable Real Estate

The most valuable Real Estate

We think the price of properties in Auckland, New Zealand is really high, and its been getting worse since the Covid pandemic, but on the big picture it doesn’t even feature in the top 20 most expensive properties in the world. I googled the world’s most expensive real estate awhile back and here is one list I found. It’s how many square meters you could get for $1 million. 10th is Shanghai @ $1million per 46.2 sq. meters. Next is Moscow 43 sq. m, then Paris 41.7. Sydney 41.2. New York 40.2, Geneva 34.7. Singapore 32.6. London 25.2. Hong Kong 20.6 and Monaco is number one with $1 million only buying you 15 sq. Meters of space.