
New Creatures in Christ

New Creatures in Christ

While on one of my walks last week around the large rugby fields at the Vogeltown Park. I was thinking about how we are new creatures in Christ, when a monarch butterfly came and landed at my feet on the grass. It had no need to be there as there were no flowers, just freshly mown grass. I felt this was one of those signs, ‘kiaros’ moments, where the Spirit was trying to tell me something.

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come

We are all familiar with this prayer, for it’s part of the Lord’s Prayer. The trouble is many Christians just say it by rout and are not even sure what they are really praying about. Do you realise that you are actually asking God to send Heaven down here to the earth? We often ask for love, joy and peace to be here on earth, especially at Christmas time for we sing carols about our desire for “Peace on earth.’ It’s also God’s will that He send victory and healing here on earth. Heaven is full of healing and victory as well as love, joy and peace.

You've Already got it: By Andrew Wommack

You've Already got it: By Andrew Wommack

Watching a dog run in circles chasing its own tail can be pretty amusing. Round and round the puppy will go, trying to catch something that it already has. Unfortunately, this is also a picture of the average Christian: chasing after something they already have. You might be thinking, “What do l already have”? You have everything. God has already given us everything we need. Whatever you are currently asking God to give you, has already been provided. You don’t need to get God to heal, save, deliver, or prosper you, or to give you joy and peace. All of those things have already been supplied.

Above all Stand

Above all Stand

You will notice in Ephesians 6:10-14 that we are exhorted to stand 4 times in regard to our walk with God and our resisting of the Devil. We need to constantly remind ourselves that we are in a war in which the battle has been won already. The epistles show us that Satan was defeated at the cross but he is still around and will only finally be eradicated when he is thrown into the Lake of Fire after Jesus returns.

Prophecy to the Dry Bones: Part 2

Prophecy to the Dry Bones: Part 2

You will notice in Acts 2:17-21 that the primary gift used during the time period up until the Lord’s Return is the gift of prophecy. There are 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit but the gift of prophecy is the predominant one to be used at this time. The question is why Prophecy? Why not miracles or Healings?