joel 2

Time is Running Out

Time is Running Out

Jesus is going to come back again and no one knows the day nor the hour, but we can prepare ourselves for that day. It does say that we are not to be ignorant of the season of His return. 1 Thessalonians 5:1. Did you know that there are lots of signs to show us that we are in the season of His return?

Prophecy to the Dry Bones: Part 2

Prophecy to the Dry Bones: Part 2

You will notice in Acts 2:17-21 that the primary gift used during the time period up until the Lord’s Return is the gift of prophecy. There are 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit but the gift of prophecy is the predominant one to be used at this time. The question is why Prophecy? Why not miracles or Healings?