New Creation

The Double Portion

The Double Portion

The Double portion has always intrigued me. It’s mentioned in the bible and why would you not want it? It sounds great and isn’t two better than one? The firstborn blessing was given to the first born son in the Old Testament. It originated from the blessings of Abraham being passed onto Isaac, then from Isaac to Jacob. Jacob was not the first born but saw the potential of such a blessing and stole it from Esau. It seems that this double portion blessing was then established in the Tribes of Israel.

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come

We are all familiar with this prayer, for it’s part of the Lord’s Prayer. The trouble is many Christians just say it by rout and are not even sure what they are really praying about. Do you realise that you are actually asking God to send Heaven down here to the earth? We often ask for love, joy and peace to be here on earth, especially at Christmas time for we sing carols about our desire for “Peace on earth.’ It’s also God’s will that He send victory and healing here on earth. Heaven is full of healing and victory as well as love, joy and peace.

Greater than John the Baptist

Greater than John the Baptist

“Verily I say unto you. Among them born of a women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” Matthew 11:7-15

This is an amazing scripture. What on earth does it mean? When I first read it years ago I just couldn’t get my head around it. How could it be that we are greater than John the Baptist? Surely there is a mistake. Jesus in the previous verses had just spoken highly of John and said that there was no person born of woman that was greater than John the Baptist - He was the greatest prophet that had ever lived. And yet Jesus said even the least in the kingdom was greater than he.??