
The One Thing Missing

The One Thing Missing

The bible says that it’s the little foxes that spoil the vine. In our walk with God this principle applies big time. That one thing can ruin everything. You can have all the world’s goods and miss out on the most important thing. It may seem little and of no consequence in the eyes of the world but without Jesus your whole life is pointless. He is the missing ingredient.

Your Love is better than Wine

Your Love is better than Wine

Some of my Christian friends wonder why I don’t drink wine anymore, especially as I used too. I find it hard to explain, without sounding all super spiritual. It’s not because I think it’s evil and God would be displeased with me if I did, but I have found something far better that increases my intimacy with the Lord. It also energises me and doesn't make me feel sleepy like wine used too, and I don’t have to worry about driving a car afterwards either.

God’s New Testament Levites

God’s New Testament Levites

I believe musicians and worshippers need a greater understanding of the wonderful calling that they have in God and His House. I’ve noticed as I have ministered in Churches around the world, a lack of understanding amongst so many musicians of the high calling that they have in God. Often there is very little thought put into how we can enter the presence of God. It’s often just a performance with no understanding of the purpose of their position. Being a musician in Church is not like being on America’s Got Talent, to show your skills at singing or playing. That is a performance. We are really there to help bring God’s people into His presence and this is a very important ministry. You can’t afford to be out of sorts with others or walking in sin if involved in the music.