all for Jesus

Beyond Jordan

In my last message I spoke about the Jordan River. It was there that Elisha followed hard after Elijah, for he wanted the double portion of the Prophet’s prophetic power. He could have turned back long before they got there, but hung on until they crossed over the river. Elisha was rewarded for his effort and got what he wanted from God. Elisha had to go beyond the Jordan River to get it and it wasn’t easy.

I found out something else this week as I thought on what had what had happened back then. When John the Baptist appeared on the scene many years later it was in the same spot where Elijah was taken up into heaven in a flaming chariot and where Elisha received the double portion – it was a place called ‘beyond Jordan.’

It says in scripture that John the Baptist began his ministry here in this location. It was the same place on the other side of the Jordan where the 2 prophets had parted each other’s company. Elijah was taken up into heaven in a flaming chariot and Elisha took up his mantel.