Christian Living

Keep Close to Jesus

Keep Close to Jesus

As Christians we are concerned for what is happening all around us and we pray for God’s help, which is right, but we do need wisdom in knowing how to handle it all. If you are not careful the problems all around will soon weigh you down with care and you’ll become ineffective in your mission to help the needy.

Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart

I have often used the illustration of my spiritual walk being like knitting a jersey and someone was also pulling the thread from the other end, so that I was getting nowhere. Praise God that is not the case anymore, for I have found, what the main source of the problem was. I feel that what I am about to share is very important and life changing, especially for those in ministry.

A Tale of Two Souls

A Tale of Two Souls

TALE OF TWO SOULS This is the story of 2 famous Bible characters whose lives ended radically different from each other. The life of Samson and the life of Joseph. When you compare their lives you see that one ended up a loser and the other a winner. The question is why? It’s worth having a look at, as we can learn a lot from them both.

The Double Portion

The Double Portion

The Double portion has always intrigued me. It’s mentioned in the bible and why would you not want it? It sounds great and isn’t two better than one? The firstborn blessing was given to the first born son in the Old Testament. It originated from the blessings of Abraham being passed onto Isaac, then from Isaac to Jacob. Jacob was not the first born but saw the potential of such a blessing and stole it from Esau. It seems that this double portion blessing was then established in the Tribes of Israel.