the power of words

The Power of Words: Part Two

The Power of Words: Part Two

These notes are from some teaching on faith by Charles Capps that I have gleaned from YouTube. I’ve also added some of my thoughts. Something I believe the Church has lost today is understanding the power of words. Because of this we have also lost our authority when confronting problems in life. Mountains are not being removed because we don’t believe the way we should. The bible shows us that words are powerful; they are a living substance. When you realise this truth your words will be few, but when you do speak them they will mean something to you. There is no life in some people’s words, because there is no faith there. It’s faith that causes the word to live. God released faith in ‘His’ words and His words are alive to Him. Unless you release some faith in His words when you speak them, then it’s a dead book as far as you are concerned, if you don’t believe what God said concerning you.The Prophet Hosea said: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:” Hosea 4:6