
They shall arise again

they rise again,“ Proverbs 24:16 There are many times on our walk with God when we stumble and fall, but its not the end. God would rather us try and fail than do nothing at all. He is not displeased when we fall as He always loves a ‘trier,’ just like we parents love to see our babies learn to walk and they fall often. Our loving Heavenly Father loves to see us try new things and is more disappointed if we do nothing at all rather than try and fail again and again.

Grow Up

Grow Up

Isaac was the promised child that Abraham and Sarah had waited for for so long. When Isaac was born Abraham and Sarah laughed, but later when he was weaned they threw a party. Isaac is a picture of us Christians (The Children of Promise.) When we are saved, Angels rejoice in heaven, but when we are weaned from worldly, ‘stinking thinking,’ and all that ‘Egyptian Stuff’ so to speak, God throws a party. It’s one thing to get saved, but it’s really something else to grow up