
Live to Give

Live to Give

In the country of Israel, the Jordan River flows from one end of the land to the other. On its journey from north to south it flows into two bodies of water. The Sea of Galilee and then the Dead Sea. It's the same River that flows into both yet there are different outcomes. One produces life the other death. The reason being that the Sea of Galilee has water flowing into it and then flowing out again, but the Dead Sea only has water flowing into it and nothing comes out the other end. Galilee is full of fish but the Dead Sea has no life in it at all. It's the same life giving water that flows into both yet one gives out and the other keeps its water to itself.

Christian's can be like this too, they have the same God in them and the same River of Life flowing into their lives, yet there can be different outcomes. Some Christians give out, while others just take it all and keep everything to themselves, and this produces death.