The Benefits of Speaking in Tongues: Part 5

The Benefits of Speaking in Tongues: Part 5


One of the difficulties that have plagued believers for centuries is the prayer problem. We have marvelled at the numerous statements of Jesus regarding the certainty of answered prayer, and how often we have failed to see it become a reality in our lives. We know the difficulty does not involve God. We must re-examine our own understanding of prayer in the light of the Bible and see just where we have missed the mark. In a word we need "help". And that is just why the Lord sent the Holy Spirit, to help us in prayer.

The Benefits of Speaking Tongues: Part 4

The Benefits of Speaking Tongues: Part 4


It is God's plan that His children be led (taught) by His Spirit. This is one of the prime blessings of the New Testament. God is actually dwelling in us. His very life, wisdom and power are within us today. Yet how unreal this fact seems in the experience of the average Child of God.


Perhaps one of the most revolutionary benefits of prayer in the Spirit is its relation to spiritual warfare. It's impossible to be a Christian for any length of time without becoming aware that we are engaged in a battle.

The Benefits of Speaking in Tongues: Part 3

The Benefits of Speaking in Tongues: Part 3


Prayer in the Spirit is probably one of the single most effective means of edification available to the Child of God. "He that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself." (1 Corinthians 14:4)


Through the public dimension of speaking in tongues, we may serve as the voice of God to the local congregation. In 1 Corinthians 12 Paul tells us that in a particular congregation the Spirit gives "to one", as "He wills", "divers kinds of tongues". Moreover, he admonishes us to "Earnestly desire spiritual gifts."

Prophecy to the Dry Bones